A Thing

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(Working on My computer, I'll tell you when I switch, and I really love this song)

.:Your POV:.

"What letter Mark?" I asked, innocently. I knew what he was talking about, and I felt bad lying about it. I didn't want to seem like a stalker to him, and we were probably being annoying arguing on porch. "There was a letter in the bottom shelf of my dresser, and its gone." Mark stated. "Oh, so your blaming it on me? Cause I went snooping into your dresser?" I asked in an offended tone. "I'm not saying you did, I'm just asking. I'm not going to be mad, I promise." He showed his heart-warming smile, like always. I broke, yelling at him, "Yes. I went snooping into your bottom dresser 'cause Chica laid at it, whimpering. So, I thought some of her toys were in there, but it was just fan mail, and a letter addressed to me. I thought it was okay, because it was for me, but your making a big deal about it!" At this point I was crying, but the thing is, I didn't know why. Mark raised his hand up to wipe the tears, I pushed his hand away, "Please. Don't." Mark nodded, and his breath trembled, "Did you read it?" I nodded, "Yes, I did." "And?" He asked, putting his head down. "Why?" I stuttered. He raised his head, some tears going down his face, "Why what?" I scoffed, "You could have any girl in the world, and you chose me! Why, Mark! Why?! I'm a nobody, you need to date a somebody! Not a washed up, stupid girl like me-" "Don't you ever say that about yourself!" Mark interrupted, "You are a wonderful, beautiful woman! I don't want you ever talking about yourself like that again, you hear me?!" "Yes. I-I'm sorry, Mark." He opened his arms to me, "You can take this hug if you want." I nodded quickly, the tears running down my face, "I'll take that! Definitely!"
         (Working With My Phone Now.)
           I sniffled, taking a step (I wrote Sniff... 😂) back, "I think I'm okay now." Mark chuckled, "Then look at me." I looked up at him, only to find a pair of soft lips on mine. I was taken by surprise, my eyes opened wide. I relaxed, and melted into the kiss, kissing him back to know that I loved him to. His hands hovered over my sides, He really doesn't know what to do with his hands, does he? I giggled into the kiss, placing his arms around my waist, while I put mine around him neck.
               It started to get heated, as Mark kissed my neck, hitting my sweet spot. I moaned (now sexually) slightly, and covered my mouth. DID I JUST MOAN?!  My face was bright red, I couldn't even speak. Mark had stopped and stared at me, "Did you just moan?" I nodded. He chuckled, "Then, there's no need to be embarrassed by it, everybody moans every once in a while. It's a natural sound." I nodded again. He laughed and uncovered my mouth, "Calm down. It's fine." I nodded, "I-I know. It kinda took me by surprise, that's all." "Took me by surprise to." He ran his hand through his black hair, still smiling. I coughed, "Would you like to come in?"
            "So. Are we a thing?" I asked, knowing this was going to be an awkward conversation, best to ask now before I go telling family, and we're not even dating. "Hm. Nope." He smirked. "Then why the hell did you KISS me?" I asked, a bit angry at him. "Calm down (Y/N). I've got to ask you something though." He chuckled. I looked at him, raising an eyebrow. "Let's order some pizza, yeah?" I giggled, "Yeah."
              The pizza had arrived, and Mark paid, of course being the gentle man and all. He settled the pizza into the counter, "Alright dig in." I giggled, opening the lid, "I'm not a p-" On The top of the box, there was a written note,
         (Y/N), Will You Be My Girlfriend?
                         Or is this to cheesy?
          I covered my mouth, a muffled Mark came out. "Yes, beautiful?" He smiled. I nodded quickly, "I'll be your girlfriend." Mark chuckled and wrapped me in a hug, "Now we're a thing."

Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter. I have school tomorrow, and I'm writing late at night. The schedule, of course, is going to change since I'm going back o school. So instead of an update everyday, there'll be a update one or twice a week.

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