Chapter 7

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Hi, enjoy! x


*Mary's POV*

Oh god.. Zayn & I just kissed. What the hell. I don't know what happened. I felt little sparks, but geez. We barely know each other. I enjoyed it but it just didn't feel right.. Well not at the moment...

" Sorry, we barely know each other and.. I just kissed you.. like.. that.. but. woah... " Zayn said. I blushed and smiled. I couldn't help it, he was so cute. I responded, " Honestly, we should get to know each other more and may be we can do that more often... but really I liked it alot.. " I bit my lip and looked up to him. I stared into his eyes and we just stayed this way. Enjoying each others company until Zayn blinked and his smile turned into a frown... He mumbled, " I have to go.. " I didn't want him to go. Then he continued, "  I wanted to hear why you were crying.. I wanted to be here with you and enjoy this moment with you.. Mary I'm so sorry. " He looked so sad, I put his face into my hands and kissed his cheeks. I smiled and said, " Maybe another time? " and then is eyes sparkled and his frown turned into yet his gorgeous smile, " YES! Saturday! 7 PM! Then at the date you can tell me everything. Especially why you were crying. " I frowned and remembered the All Time Low were coming...but then I thought " Hey I need new clothes anyway, All Time Low can wait some other day. " So I smiled and said, " I'll have to check my schedule and see if I can squeeze you in. " I winked at him and he smiled. " You're too cute Mary. " He said, then I tried to sing (but failed epically) " Hey this is crazy, but here's my number so call me maybe? " I giggled and Zayn started cracking up.. Maybe because of my cheesy line or my terrible singing.. Maybe both? Zayn said, " Sure. " We exchanged numbers and we kissed one more time and then he walked away... I miss him already.

*Zayn's POV*

I head to rehearsals, it didn't sound like the boys were even rehearsing all I heard was Niall's crazy laughing fits, Louis yelling crazy, Harry hitting on some old chick, and Liam telling all the boys to settle down. I couldn't help but laugh, these are my best friends. My odd, crazy, and hilarious best friends.

" Hey mates! VAS HAPPENIN'? " I said, all the boys looked in my direction and were wide eyed and came running towards me... Oh no.

" ZAYN!!!!!!!! " they all said. Geez, they sure missed me! They all gave me an awkward group hug.

" So mate, how was it? Did ya get it in? " Niall said, winking at me and saying it in his Irish accent. I couldn't help but laugh all these boys think I do is have sex... Which isn't true.. Eh. Mary was different though... 

I shook my head and replied, " She isn't like that mate. She's... different " I smiled when I thought of her. This is so weird. I've never been like this about a girl before.. Oh gosh.. 

" She must be really special if she's making you smile so much and she hasn't even gotten it in with you yet. " Harry joked. I laughed and so did the others. " We must meet this mystery lady! She seems interesting if she's making you like this Z!!! " Louis said. My eyes widened with excitement because I remembered what I wanted to do for our date on Saturday. A surprise... for her to meet the boys and go on a romantic date.. I can't wait... " You guys will meet her actually! This Saturday! You guys will love her! " I said.

I think I love her too... Wait what?

*Mary's POV*

I started to get hungry so I went to Starbucks once again but this time looked before I walked in. Then I saw her... Lauren... Once I saw her. She saw me too, we exchanged looks and I looked away and walked out of the store. I don't need her. I don't need this. Especially for her remarks...

As I walked out, I heard someone following behind. Lauren..

" Mary, please I apologize. " She said. I turned around and stopped walking, she was surprised that I actually wanted to hear her excuse. Then she started to continue, " That was the worst thing I could ever say. Especially as your best friend. I don't know why I said it but I didn't mean it. I guess I was upset by the fact that I'm always there for you but you're never there for me. I asked just THIS once for a favor and you say no. It's that least you could do.. I was there for you when you needed someone. These One Direction tickets mean the world to me.. I'd love to go with you. My best friend. " When she said best friend, I got goosebumps... I replied back, " If you were my best friend then why did you say something like that? I needed you because you were the only one who cared for me. My dad? Ha yeah right! All he did was get off of work and head straight to his room. He'd never know when I get home, never know what's going on in my life because he was too busy mourning. I was mourning too but he could of at least rememebered me. His daughter, who he pretty much abandoned. To tell you the gosh damn truth... I love you and I tell you EVERYTHING. but what you said broke me in a million pieces. I expected that coming out of one of the plastics mouth, not my best friend. How could you? You know what I been through. It's JUST ONE DIRECTION LAUREN. GET OVER IT! " With that her jaw dropped. Then I was off, running to my house. But honestly, I couldn't see a thing due to my eyes being so watery.. So I stopped running and just saw on the side walk and bawled my eyes out what seemed like forever. I couldn't stop. All I could think about was my mom and Lauren. How could Lauren say such a thing? Why did my mother leave me in this terrible world? How could my dad just abandon me like that when I needed someone? Oh Zayn, where is he now? So many things on my mind... How I wish this was all just a terrible dream.. Losing my best friend and losing my mother. I needed them.

*Lauren's POV*

I lost my best friend due to my big ass mouth. Why did I say such a thing? Over stupid One Direction tickets too. I can't believe it. I'm just that selfish. When she said all those things, it's like my heart was ripped out of my chest. I can't believe I was that selfish and such a bitch. I'm determined to find Mary and get her back. She's my friend. I need her just as much as she needs me.

I tried to remember how she ran, I followed her footsteps until I forgot where I was. She must of been heading home.... So I ran as quickly as I could to her house. Her dad's car was there, so maybe he picked her up after she ran off? I don't know next thing I knew I saw her dad with a smile, warm brown eyes, and his thick brown hair.. She must not be here because she usually answers the door. " Hello Lauren, Looking for Mary? " He asked, I nodded. He said, " She's not home right now, but she is in trouble. She ditched school today... I'm a horrible parent... Ditching school and her grades are slipping, after.. her mother's death... I don't know Lauren. I felt like my life just turned upside and my reality finally hit me like a tow truck. I just left her when she needed me the most.  I had the perfect picture life, perfect daughter, perfect wife, and just living so happy. But now here I am with a broken daughter, no more wife, and living a disaster life. " He started to get watery in his eyes and tried to clear his throat and spoke again, " Would you like to come in? Let's talk, if you don't mind? Can you tell me everything Mary has ever told you... Please. I need to help her, I need to become her father again. I'm not gonna leave her this time. Actually, I'm never gonna leave her again. My wife would of never forgiven me if she saw that I abandon our only child. Our precious child. I need to look at the bright side of things, I know my wife is in a better place now though. Come sit. Let's talk. " I couldn't help but hug him and give him a big smile. He deserved it. I nodded and we took a seat at the dining table and I told him everything.


This chapter, omg. 

So sad ):

Tell me what yaaaaa guize think! xoxoxo


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