Chapter 13

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What? Why? I'm so confused..

Why is Harry here?

" Harry... What are you doing here? " I asked curiously.

I tried looking into his eyes, once we connected with our eyes.. I melted.

His green eyes.. I could get lost in them.

No, Mary. Stop.

You like Zayn, remember? Plus, this guy is a douchebag.

I think when I was looking into his eyes, he was explaining why he was here.. Oops.

Mary! Pay Attention! 

"Oh uh, sorry. Um. I. Kind. Of. Forgot. What. Were. You. Saying-g-g? I was um, spacing. uh. out. " I stuttered

He smiled at my awkwardness, once he smiled he showed his cute dimples. Oh gosh, I just blushed.

Stop it Mary!

" What I was saying, Miss Blushie.. was that I don't want you to think I'm a douchebag. I may act like it with girls, but I'm not. Zayn didn't want to meet you here, I did. I know what you're thinking.. yes, Zayn does like Lauren, but likes you too.. But they talked it out and they want to be together. I know.. It sucks. You'll probably hate Zayn, but don't please. He believes it's for the best. I'm here to cheer you up, we can spend our day here at the fair. I want to change your opinion of me. "

I wanted to cry and smile at the same time.

So I did.

Like the sensitive girl I am.

Then I felt Harry wrap his arms around me and gave me a friendly hug.

That's what I needed.

But I felt all jelly and had butterflies in my stomach.

What is going on?

" Thank you Harry. I'm sorry about the first time we met, but when I heard you on the radio station... I was thinking to myself about how could someone be that much of a douchebag. Yes, I'm sad that Zayn picked my best friend over me but - "

Harry cut me off and gasped, " Lauren is your best friend? "

I nodded.

Harry ran his fingers through his hair.

How could he even do that? It looks like a jungle.

But I would love to put my hand through his hair.

wait. what.

Stop It Mary!

" Mary, I didn't... He didn't... Oh gosh, this is just.. " Harry was utterly shocked... 

" Harry! Calm down! It's fine! I'll move on. Yeah it stings a bit but you have to move on sometime. Let's not waste our time here fussing about Zayn, Lauren, and I. You want me to change my opinion of you right? Well let's go Sir Douchebag. " I giggled.

He chuckled and slid his arm through mine and were off to the rides.

" Harry! Don't! " I shrieked.

Harry was about to eat a chocolate covered scorpion.

Let me just say, this is the most fun I had in a while. This really changed my opinion on Harry. He is actually sensitive, sweet, and caring. 

Why must I be completely wrong?

Why must I be so judgemental?

" Why not Mary? YOLO! " He screamed.

We both burst into a laughing fit.

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