Chapter 16

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" What I want to say is that, I'm sorry too. It's kind of my fault too because I didn't say anything. I just blew up in your faces. I don't want us to end up as enemies. Or ignoring each other. Especially you Lauren. We've been best friends since forever. I don't want to end it over a guy. Harry helped me move on so I'm good with you guys dating. Just not too much PDA please. " I said, I'm so glad I got that off my  chest. I look up to Harry and he looked down and stared into my eyes, then smiled. I smiled back. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

They both sighed then looked at each other.

Then they looked back at me.

" We've been wanting to apologize for a while. We felt the awkwardness between us and we wanted to say something but a cat got our tongues. " Zayn admitted.

I giggled.

They laughed too.

" So y'all ready to go on this ride? " Lauren asked in a southern accent.

I laughed.

I nodded so did Zayn.

Harry was whistling and acting like he didn't hear the question.

" Styles, don't be scared. I'll be with you. " I winked, then kissed his cheek.

His eyes got big and his mouth shaped into an " O ".

I blushed and so did he.

We're not dating but hell, it may seem like it.

" Just remember, you have to kiss me on the lips because you're forcing me on here. " Harry replied  confidently.

I rolled my eyes and mumbled, " Wuss. "

Harry pretended to feel offended.

Just then we heard a scream.

Everyone snapped their head to the scream.

" It's Harry Styles! And Zayn Malik! OH MY GOSH! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT. " The girl screamed. 

She pointed at the boys and then everyone stared at Harry and Zayn confused.

The boys rushed to her even though she was way back at the end of the line, probably to stop her from yelling even more. Hopefully they don't make her faint.

While we were waiting for the boys, Lauren and I were waiting awkwardly.

" I thought no more awkwardness? " Lauren said, forming a frown.

" I don't know what to say. " I replied.

" Well.. What's going on between you and the Hair man? " She responded, winking.

" Honestly, we're just friends but he makes me feel so much more than that. We've known each other for a few weeks so I don't want to rush you know? " I replied.

" That's so cute! Oh my gosh! When I'm with the boys, Harry always talks about you and always looks at his phone waiting for your text. The boys tease him about it but it's so cute in my opinion! But remember, in like 2 weeks they have to leave for their kick off tour. " She replied back.

My heart dropped.

" Wait what? " I asked confused and sad.

Her eyes got big and then she frowned.

" Yeah. They have to leave in 2 weeks.. "

I wanted to cry.

I don't want Harry to leave me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2012 ⏰

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