Chapter 11

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Woohoo! Hit 400 reads, thanks to you guys. xxx

Sorry I posted this up late, but I have a few words:

I appreciate my readers SO much.

I also appreciate feedback! x

Thank you and enjoy. x


Happy ending by Avril Lavigne seemed to relate to this so much for this chapter. :) x


*Harry's POV*

It was as if Zayn heard my conversation with Louis or something because he had his cell phone by his side the WHOLE day..

Finally, after waiting SO long Zayn decided to nap but he was smart.. He had his phone in his pocket.. He must of heard Louis and I because it's no coincidence that yesterday he left his phone all around the room and now it won't leave his sight AT ALL. I was thinking to myself on how I should retrieve the phone out of his pocket.. I know it's tricky but worth a shot.

Zayn was on his back on his king sized bed and counting sheeps.. I was pacing back and forth on how I was going to take his phone.. Then I felt like a light bulb turned on in my head.. I grabbed two forks from last night's dinner and then started to pick at Zayn's phone and carefully reached for Zayn's phone.. I successfully grabbed it until Zayn started to shift around...

Shit! Zayn eyes then began to flutter... " What the fuck are you doing? " Zayn half sleepily said. He's half asleep so he probably won't remember this.. " I'm in your dream Zayn, I'm a ghost disguised as Harry.. You look stressed, tell me your problems... " I said, I tried so hard not to laugh.. I'm taking this advantage while I could.. He sighed.. Wow, he's really falling for this.. then continued, " I like this girl named Lauren and I like this girl named Mary.. But I liked Mary first, when we first met she came to me... well bumped into me actually.. " he chuckled at bit. Aw, this is cute. Poor Mary though, she does deserve better. Zayn continued " and we went to the park and started talking but I was interrupted and had to leave early.. I didn't want to leave.. I really didn't.. I don't know why but I just ran up to her and-d-d... kissed her... " This made me want to stab him with a fork.. What the hell is wrong with Zayn! He screwed up his chance with one beautiful girl.. Then he shrugged and said, " I felt something but didn't feel as much as I met eyes with Lauren.. But I'll get to that later. Anyway, Mary asked for my number.. Very cheesy and horribly singing " Call Me Maybe " he then chuckled. Aw, Mary is so cute.. Zayn then looked at me with very sad eyes.. His eyes remind you of a puppies eyes so seeing them sad just makes you want to cry... But he shouldn't be sad.. He fucked up his chance with Mary... Then he said " We started texting and I then asked her out to a date.. It  was a surprise.. I wanted to take her to the concert.. I did. Then I pulled her into an empty room and started to talk to her.. but then Harry had to ruin it.. " He clenched his jaw, what the fuck did I do? " I knew the moment Harry walked into the room that he'd ruin my chance with Mary.. He did for a second but then Mary didn't like him so I was kind of happy. " Zayn said with a sad smile, then continued more " Then Mary stayed for the concert and I also planned for my date to serenade to her to " Gotta Be You " but then once again Harry chose Mary and screwed up my chance again! " He said with angry eyes and sounded bitter, " So then I chose someone else.. She was beautiful.. This was Lauren.. I sang to her and my heart skipped a beat and I got mad butterflies.. So after the show, I asked for her number.. But I guess Mary saw.. Then she went off with Harry.. again.. but then she left him and talked to the others boys but then she said bye to them and left without saying bye to me.. " Zayn looked so beat up about it.. His fault though.. So now he was looking at me hopeless... I cleared my throat and began to speak " Let's just start off with how much you screwed up with Mary, this Mary girl.. She's beautiful, yes? " Zayn nodded, she isn't beautiful.. She's perfection.. She's breathtaking.. but I shook my head, this isn't about me.. this is about Zayn.. I continued, " She seems like quite a special girl.. But you screwed up with her and honestly mate, she deserves better. " Zayn snorted, then he said " Like who? Harry? Hell no, he treats his girls like trash.. I wouldn't let him do that to her because I still do having feelings for her. "

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