Declan decided he didn't have enough sophias to lick. So he went to the store and bought a client. Then he went home and cloned Sophia 20 times then he realized that if he cloned all the children in the world he would have more kids to eat so he cloned all the kids. Now he had a lot to eat. But then Declan suddenly turned into a heavy balloon that wouldn't float. I guess balloon wouldn't be a good word for it, more like giant bowling ball with Declan skin on it. Declan. Could only guess this happened because his awesomeness level dropped and all the fat from eating kids caught up with him. So Declan called sono bello or whatever its called to have his fat surgically removed and awesomeness injected into him. So in under 24 hours Declan was back to normal but he was much lighter. Declan could now jump 800 feet on the at so yay.