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A few days had passed and Carl had not left the hospital once. Fiona brought him clothes everyday, Ian and Trevor come by everyday with some kind of food and refused payment each time, Lip came by to talk shit about his new job, and Kev and V are trying to convince me to sue my own mother for what happened. All this and it had only been 72 hours. I am finally leaving. "Want me to carry you out?" Carl joked as I finished changing into normal clothes. "Sure why not." I laughed, picking up my phone and toothbrush and put them into my purse. Then I jumped on carls back. Kev and V were waiting outside the room. "Wow, don't you have it made?" Veronica laughed seeing Carl carrying me. "We all are going to the Gallagher's to celebrate." Kev informed us. I scrunched my eyebrows together.

"We got the bar back!" Veronica exclaimed, not being able to hold it in any longer. Carl and I were both shocked. I jumped off Carls back and hugged my uncle and V. "Congrats!" Even Carl was hugging them. Carl instructed me to hop back on his back. We all walked over to the entrance and to my uncles car. "You know... you two are cute and all... but I don't know if I like it." My uncle said when I got into the car. "Why not?" I laughed as we pulled away from the hospital. "because I know Carl. This kid is a fuckboy. That's what you kids call man-whores these days?" Veronica started laughing hysterically. The girls were with V's mom so we could celebrate tonight. "Yes, it's what it's called." I assured him and Carl squeezed my side, making me squirm. "Well, Carl, you're already like family but if you hurt my Niece I will have to cut your sack off." now everyone began laughing like crazy.

when we pulled up to the Gallagher home, everyone was setting up for the party tonight. We were inviting the regulars from the Alibi Room and Some other places everyone knew. It was only noon and we had plenty of time to set up but we were going to be cooking stuff all day since we were expecting a ton of people. We walked in and Fiona was blasting music and cooking stuff on the stove. Kev and V went into the kitchen to help her. I was following them, until Carl picked me up and carried me upstairs. "So I get you all hot and bothered more than Tyler Posey huh?" He locked the door to his room and pushed me to his bed. "Mmm, I don't know. Maybe..." I teased. Carl let himself fall on top of me. He kissed me roughly. "Maybe? Baby girl, don't tease me." He pushed my knees up so he would be between my legs.

"Everyone is downstairs." I ran my hands through his curly hair, when I reached the top of his head, I pulled up so he would be looking at me and not leaving hickey's on my neck. "The music is loud, you aren't noisy, door is locked. Please baby... I need you so..." He eyed me up and down and I felt him get hard through our clothes. His voice was raspy. "Bad... please..." He went back to sucking on my neck. My breathing hitched and he took that as a yes. His lips made their way to mine and he started dry thrusting (For the kids who don't know what that is, you rub your parts against each other with clothes on until you can't take the teasing anymore and you basically beg a dick to be up in you) And I had done just that. "Stop teasing you bitch!" I laughed and flipped him on his back. I quickly pulled his jeans off and put his length in my mouth and beginning to pleasure him. He turned me over before he could reach his max. "You want me to?" I shook my head knowing he was asking me if i wanted him to go down on me. the one time I didn't care if he did or didn't.

He stuck his length into me. He started thrusting hard and fast, I even heard myself let a very, VERY small noise out. He looked down at me and was shocked. He flipped me over and I was now on top. He obviously got excited by successfully making me, make a slight sound.

"Damn baby girl." He breathed out, pulling his jeans on. "Don't get cocky." I Threw his shirt at him. "Well that was fucking hot. I did that.Damn now I wont know when you are fake fucking my brother because now you make sounds." I threw my shoe at him and pulled my shirt on. "Too fucking soon dude." He unlocked the door, opened it, then jumped back on the bed next to me. "So you don't like my brother or anything right? I just don't want to have to worry about you going behind my back and sleeping with him again." I rolled my eyes, but I started to feel bad. He sounded sad when he was talking about this. Like it hurt him. What's weird is... it hurt me to. Is this what it's like actually having feelings for someone? I do not like it. I stood up, ignoring the situation. "You don't have to worry about that. I don't like him like that. So we rolling up or?" He shook his head and stood up. "Don't have any weed. wasn't able to get any while we were at the hospital. They'll probably have some when the party starts." he took ahold of my hand and I pulled mine away.

I didn't like that I actually felt for, well, anyone. I know I thought I had gotten over it but... it's weird... it's not me. "What's wrong?" He asked, closing the space between us. "Nothing, sorry." I took ahold of his hand for real this time. I didn't like to upset him. I also didn't like that I don't like upsetting him. "Is It your mom?" I shook my head. The thought of her pissed me off these past few days. "No. let's just go downstairs." I smiled, shaking off my random change of emotions. "If it's your mom... I know some people who will easily make a trip down south." The seriousness in his voice was scary. I shook my head and made eye contact so he knew I was serious. "No. Now, lets go downstairs and have some fun." I pulled him along down the stairs. Everyone was running around cooking.

we walked out to the backyard and Lip was blazing up. "Aye let me get a hit off that." I walked up and sat on the stairs. Carl sat at the top step and pulled me back so I could set my arms on his knees. Lip passed the blunt and I took a hit. "Carl, your shirt is on inside out." Lip laughed, pulling at Carls 'Army' shirt. I started laughing and passed the blunt to Carl. "We got dressed pretty fast." Carl smirked taking a hit and passing the blunt back to Lip. He stood up took his shirt off and put it back on right, then sat back down. "Actually I was a bit distracted because this one finally made-" I pushed my elbow back and hit his junk before he could finish that sentence.

My phone started ringing then. Thank god or lip would have asked what we were talking about. I Answered the unknown number. "You tried to kill yourself for me? too bad you didn't Succeed. Now you know how I feel. You trying to come back now?" My mothers voice boomed through. She was being snarky and it was pissing me off. It also hurt that she was happy I wanted to die. "No. Of course not. what the fuck?" She started laughing. "well damn. Maybe you should have died. You know I was actually happy as fuck when I heard you tried. I don't need you guys now." Then she hung up. I was still around lip and Carl so I tried to fight back the tears. It wasn't sad or self pity. I could never. It was pure anger. My own mother.

"You okay?" Carl broke my thoughts. "Yeah." Lip passed me the blunt. "There are tears on your face. Are you sure?" Lip pointed out. I wiped my face and took a big hit off the blunt. I held it in and passed it to Carl. I exhaled. "yeah. I'm fucking fine okay? It was just my mom." I rested my arms on Carl's legs. "what the hell happened?" Lip's eyes were wide. I shook my head and sighed. "She was just telling me that shes disappointed I failed at killing myself and how she was happy when she heard her plan worked. She basically was trying to kill me I guess I don't know. I'm not worried." I rolled my eyes, pretending it didn't piss me off. "I can totally fucking tell." the sarcasm in Carl's voice made me realize I wasn't fooling anyone.

"That is extremely fucked up. Your mother tried to kill you." Lip finished off the blunt. I just nod

ed and went inside. "Hey whats up?" Fiona shouted with a bright smile as we walked into the house. It was now somewhat dark out and people had started showing up. "Just start digging in and I will start the music." She walked out to the living room and some Kodak Black was on the radio. Drowning was the name of the song. There was a bunch of adults in the living room talking loudly, laughing, dancing. Liam was at the table eating already, Ian and Trevor was by the stove piling food onto their plates. I shrugged and rapping the song, grabbing a plate of mashed potato's and chicken wings for myself. I went over to the table and realized Carl was out of the room but Lip, Ian, Trevor, and Liam were still at the table. "Can I tell them what just happened?" Lip asked as I took a bite into a chicken wing. I shrugged and he began telling Trevor and Ian what had happened.

"Your mother basically tried to kill you?" Trevor asked shocked. "yup. Where's Carl?" I looked around realizing he was no where in sight. "He said he had to make a call." Ian informed. I nodded, finished my plate and went upstairs to his room. I knocked. nothing. I knocked again in case it was just the music being too loud. He opened the door then walked over to his bed, still on the phone. "Thank you. Check in when its done, alright?" Then he hung up. He smiled big and motioned for me to sit next to him. Once I did he wrapped his arms around me. "You okay?" I knew he meant about everything with my mother. "Oh yeah i'm fine. Want to go downstairs and dance a bit?" I asked, changing the subject. He stood up, bent down and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his torso, arms around his neck and rested my head on his shoulder. He carried me downstairs and sat me down.

"Arent you spoiled." V laughed and started dancing with me and carl.


Author's note

I don't know... this chapter is kind of bum. but the next one should be good.

kind of a badass//Carl GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now