Chapter 1 The Beginning

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(A/N OK no judging this is my first fan fiction but I've been wanting to type this up for ages I love the ship Yullen anyway on with the story hope u enjoy x)

-Allen's POV-
I sighed cursing the fact I was transferring schools although this wasn't the first time I had to transfer schools it was defiantly going to be the last. I swore on Mana's grave that it would and the way to achieve this was to look like your normal everyday 15 year old boy. But by normal I mean a 15 year old with snow white hair a horrible red birth mark going down my left eye and a horrible deformed looking left arm with a cross the glowed green time to time. And if my looks weren't enough even if I don't like to admit it I'm short so yeah I'm just your every day highschool boy.
Sighing to myself I looked up a my new school Black Order High I shuddered looking at of I looked like one of those old hunted mansions. It was black And grey with each window glowing with light and a few cracks in about 5 different ones yup defiantly haunted.

"Ugh so creepy" I whispered to no one in particular but my self.

"Yeah but just wait till you see inside you'll change your mind trust me" I nearly fucking died when I heard a voice behind me I turned around gripping my chest.

My face was clearly showing terror in as I turned around jumping back as I did I silently did a check over on him. He had red hair and a green and black head band he also had an eye patch covering his right eye and he had this smile on his face it looked as if he had just taken the happy pill.

" Um hello I'm Allen Walker " I said amazed I didn't stutter after nearly having a heart attack .

The red head just smiled even more " Hey there I'm Lavi so your the new transfer with scholarship then" he continued to smile.

I nodded my head considering if I should run " Yes I am although I'm not sure why I got a scholarship I mean I'm nothing special. but um how do u know this?" I asked feeling as if he had been stalking my personal information and was going to turn into some crazy stalker.

Lavi smiled " I know this because I'm the guy who is going to show you around school today and also your new best friend" Lavi grabbed my hands while saying this and his eyes seemed to sparkle with joy.

My sweat dropped and I gave him a nervous grin and a shaky laugh " yeah same here Lavi."

(A/N now I really want to know if u like it or not also I want to have any options of anything u guys might want to happen I mean I just wanna make u guys happy)

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