Chapter 7 The Love And Hate

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Author: Hi hi everyone I am back with chapter 7 yay.
Allen:Author-chan u finally have an idea for this chapter.
Author: haha um nope but it will come to me because right now I'm waiting for my mum to arrive so I can finally go home.
Kanda:aww does little author chan need her mummy.
Author: No its just my mum doesn't trust me to take home my little brothers I mean I'm 15 and she doesn't trust me (continues rambling)

Allen: OK let get on with the chapter.

Author: oh I just thought I should tell u the is going to be a masterbation scene with Allen getting turned on by thinking of Kanda although there is some complications in there relationship.
-Lavi's POV-
I'm in love with Kanda...
Those words hit me like a bullet through the heart how could Allen betray me like this. I mean sure I love everyone with all my heart but Allen, was special but now my heart is broken into like a billion pieces because of Kanda. How could he do that to Allen I mean sure he said that he loved Kanda and Everything but Allen is precious to me, and he needs to be Kept safe and and to do that he needs to be Kept. Away from you...Kanda...

-No Ones POV-
At this moment in time Lavi was wallowing in pity own self pity mumbling to himself. Meanwhile Lenalee was rambling on to her brother Komui in the principals office about what had happened and trying not to have a nosebleed. But during this period of time on thee over side of school there was a certain Japanese boy obliterating everything in her path in a fiery rage and all of this was because of a certain whitette. Now talking about whitettes the on in question just happened to be locked in his room laying on his side in the fatal position and there was a reason for this.

*flash back*

" it like I just said Allen" then Kanda's face closed in on Allens and he kissed him in front of everyone allen was so shocked he couldn't move he just stared at Kanda's face as he pulled away " I love you".

Allen was suffering from shock and he couldn't move he couldn't even flinch not even when the whole Lunch room erupted into chaos and death glare were being shot everywhere and Punch's being thrown about wildly not caring who they hit well that was the case until a fist ended up hitting Allen in the face and he fell down but didn't react well until Kanda grabbed the guy who hit Allen and starting having a whole rampage.

"You son of a both you just hit Allen what do you think your doing" Kanda raged raising his fist ready to punch him.

The guy who name was concluded as Chaz was spluttering for a response but couldn't come up with one quick enough as Kanda punched chaz in the face. But little did everyone know that it was that punch that pulled Allen out of his shocked trace. Frightened seeing kanda like this Allen jumped up and ran to stop kanda but it was to late well for kanda to stop his punch as Allen jumped in front of him.


Silence fell as everyone watched the scene unfold, as Kanda's first connected with Allen face and sent Allen slam into a table with a crash and the table breaking with a certain unconscious Allen laying in the middle not moving.

*end of flash back*

-Allen's POV-
Why I just wanted to help not get hurt what's wrong with me why does everything go wrong.
Tears streaming down my face I sat up and pull my knees to my chest while sat on my bed and cried thinking about how happy I felt when Kanda admitted his love for me and I like how he was protecting me after getting punched but seriously one punch would have been enough.
Right now I don't feel any love towards I feel hate towards him that's right.

"I HATE YOU BAKANDA" I sob screamed knowing about everyone heard it but I couldn't help it when I was telling the truth.

~time skip~ *masterbation scene*
Checking my phone it was 2:30am in the morning and I was laying in my bed staring at the ceiling when thoughts of Kanda came into my mind and I felt myself Get hard which should be impossible since I said I hate him yup I hate him. The the kissing on my bed came to my mind and my erection grew and my body was getting hot.

I could let my self stay like this so I shyly let my hand travel down toward my boxers and slowly slip under the waist band and grip my growing pulsing erection and moaned just from the touch and started to slowly pump it while moaning and thinking about Kanda and before long I was moan his name.

" Ah Kanda ple-ah-se faster ah ah Kanda kan-a" I moaned and I was approaching my climax at an alarming rate I pumped faster and harder.

"AH AH KANDA AHA AHH KANDAAAA!!!" I screamed and moan out Kanda's name as I finished my climax and then went to the bathroom to clean up and change under wear.

I walked out all fresh to see Kanda standing there blushing and looking away.

"Che look Allen I'm sorry I didn't meant to hit you" Kanda said in a gentle tone looking at me

"Well yh I'm sorry to because I hate you now" I muttered annoyed that I was only in my underwear and a pair of slacks with no top on in front of Kanda.

Kanda smirked and I shivered you should always be terrified when he smirks.

"Oh really is that so" Kanda slowly approached me  " because it sure didn't seem that way when you where moaning my name Allen "

Crap he did hear me, I was backing away from Kanda's advancement but bumped into the wall and was trapped and Kanda approached me and placed his hand on my waist and pulled my against his erection.

"Now won't you satisfy me as well" Kanda's voice was so low and seductive I got hard all over again and my erection pushed again Kanda's and we both moaned and looked at each other with lust in our eyes.

"Kanda I love you please take me" I whispered and wrapped my arms around his neck and rubbing against Kanda again as we both moaned.

"Allen I thought you would never ask" Kanda moaned out and picked me up and dropped me on my bed. "Let's begin shall we"
Author: squeeeee yes guys its gonna happen well maybe just wait to find out.
Allen: *making out with kanda*
Lenalee: *nosebleed*
Author: *cough while blood drips from nose* I tripped and fell. Oh and if there isn't yaoi then I apologized greatly but I mean if there isn't I Will praise my mind for finding a way out of it.

Lavi: bye guys till next time and sorry for short chapter.

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