Chapter 12 Final Chapter

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Author:*sniffles* OK guys this is it the last chapter.
Allen : don't worry Author-Chan remember ur gonna do a second book.
Author: oh yeah haha haha.
Everyone:* sweat drops*.
Author: oh yeah guys I'm going to put the title on the picture used for this story so then I'll do the same for the second just so then its easier to find it.
-No One's POV-
Allen was sat in bead slowly rubbing his baby bump and he rubbed small circles in a soothing way as he hummed and partly sang 'Hasta El Amancer', Allen closed his eyes when he felt the weight on the sofa shift and a larger hand cover his and start to take over rubbing circles.

"I didn't know you knew Spanish" Kanda said as his gaze softened while rubbing, Allen's baby bump and Allen opened his eyes and smiled.

"Well Master Cross had taught me a lot of languages" Allen sighed and stood up. "We have school come on." The white hair boy said pulling his stretching top down and straightening out his black jogging bottoms.

"Are you sure you should be going." Kanda asked concerned for his beanspout, but just earned a short laugh from him.

"Hey as long as I can still tie my shoelaces I will be fine." Allen laughed and leaned down well tried to but his belly wouldn't let him reach down to his shoes. "Kandaaaaaa I can't reach my shoes." He whined.

Kanda smirked and walked over and tied his shoes for him, and pulled him off the floor and grabbed their coats and bags as Allen closed the door and locked it.

As they walked down the school hall ways everyone smiled at them and Kanda held Allen protectively until they made it to home room when everyone ran over to touch Allen's baby bump and he just laughed.

*Time skip* -Allen's POV-

I was sat in Maths with Kanda whom was going though the questions with no problem but I was stuck, not on the questions but I could feel a repeated kicking in my stomach and it hurt like hell, and I knew I had a pained expression but how could I not.

Kanda looked over sat me concerned but I smiled and told him I was fine, when there was a knock on the class room door and a purple/ blue haired teenage boy probably the same age as me and Kanda walked in.

"Ano Sumimasen"(" Um excuse me") The boy spoke in Japanese and I saw Kanda's head shoot up and then his mouth fall open like he was seeing a ghost.

"Hmm are you the new transfer" Our math teacher Mr Triller asked with a polite smile.

"Hai, My name is Alma" (A/N just for those who don't know Hai means yes) Alma smiled and scanned the class room and his eyes stopped on Kanda and his smiled widened.

"Well Alma do you see anyone you want to sit with" Mr Triller questioned and Alma's eyes sparkled.

"I wanna sit with Kanda Yuu" Alma proclaimed loudly and everyone's mouth including mine, dropped open and Mr Triller paled and did a double take, while Kanda Just turned away.

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