Chapter 6 The Confession

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Author: oki guys its here chapter 6.
Allen: *crying*
Kanda: um it wasn't me.
Lavi and author: yes it was.
Author: enjoy chapter 6 let's see what happens.
-Kanda's POV-
Crap what have I done, but I thought he liked me as in like liked me what's going on. Damn it that idiot what's wrong with him.
"Fuck it" I muttered and punched the wall which cracked at the force. It also earned a little squeal of terror from behind it.
Then I remembered Allen had shut himself in the bathroom and then I got the stupid idea of breaking the door down and forcing answers out of Allen and when I say force I mean FORCE .(\°^°/)

I smiled evilly and prepared myself then I charged at the door which flew off its hinges and into the wall but when I looked around I didn't see Allen.

"What the hell where did he go" I said rather confused until a heard a weird groaning noise and the a certain broken bathroom door coming flying towards me but I dodged lucky enough and the a saw a rather confused yet annoyed Allen and he looked around a saw me then he cursed and looked for an escape root.
I smiled thinking that I was blocking the only way out and moved towards him slowly but casually
Enjoying my time.

-Allen's POV-
SHIT SHIT SHIT what the fuck am I going to do I'm trapped by Kanda in the bathroom what the hell is wrong with me damn it.
I kept looking for a way out but i couldn't find one until.... I saw the window... above the toilet.

I ran over to the toilet and climbed on the seat and tried to pry the window open but It was jammed and wouldn't budge a millimeter and that was bad because all I was hearing now was the echo of Kanda's shoes on the floor and the sound of cracking as he cracked his knuckles one by one.
The sadistic smile on his handsome face was unnerving and it sent chills up my spine. Damn it why won't it open I punched the glass but it didn't break.

"Fuck" I mumbled and tried punching it again but again it didn't work and this was bad Kanda was close behin me now damn it why am I so weak.

"Your not weaka mysterious voice whispered in my mind.

"Who are you" I whispered back in my head.

"I am you" it's voice was as soft as a a feather in the wind but yet it was strangely like mine.

"What do you mean by you are me" I was interested to know now.

" I am Allen Walker I am your past self now let me take controlthis time the voice was demanding but I had no other option so I let go of my self and that's when my body started moving on its own.

-No one's POV-
Allen was still in front of the window and this made Kanda think Allen had given up but that's when he noticed Allen's hair growing slightly longer but not much although it was still noticeable and this made Kanda slightly confused so he took a step closer but was stopped instantly by Allen's voice.

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