Chapter 4 The Big Shock!

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(A/N) (couldn't think of any other name for the title)
Author: "chapter 4 yay finally have an Idea for it he he."
Allen:"Author-Chan do u like me"
Author:" do I like u no Allen I love u."
Allen:" then why am I Kanda training partner he's going to kill me."
Kanda:" don't worry I won't kill u instantly I'll make u feel pain."
Author,Allen,Lavi and Lenalee:*shivers*
-Normal POV-
The day was passing by slowly and each second to minute was driving Allen crazy. He was freaking out he couldn't stop thinking of Kanda and combat training. And it certainly wasn't good because combat training was Allen's last 2 lesson and it was a doubled. Allen was mentally and physically slapping himself for being so stupid there was nothing he could do to get out of it. But the worst thing was he couldn't go 5seconds without remembering that him a and Kanda shared a kiss and every time Allen remembered it he was blush bright red and in the end Allen's Science teacher had had (not a typo) enough of seeing how strange Allen was acting and sent Allen to the nurse where Lavi had to accompany him.
Walking down the corridor Lavi looks over at Allen concern written on his face he was worried about Allen and before thinking what he was doing Lavi hugged Allen in a soothing embrace and rubbed small circles on his back and Allen momentarily calmed down  and hugged back and eventually fell asleep in Lavi's arms and Lavi carried Allen to the nurse and left him in her care as he walked out Lavi started to squeal he had just hugged Allen and for some strange reason it made him feel really happy until he shivered and looked behind him to see none other than Kanda. (Dun dun dunnnnn)

-Kanda's POV-
I was happily walking down the hallway this ward the nurses office to take a nap in one of the beds when I hear a familiar squealing apart from this wasn't one full of terror it was one of happiness. I was annoyed because that squeal belonged to the Lavi and he was destroying my peace I grabbed mugen and marched round the corner to see him turn and look at me and started to squeal in terror and then ran down the hallway out of my sight and I just sighed sheathing mugen and opened the nurses office and glared at the nurse and she looked up then slowly nodded and pointed toward the next room with the beds.
I gave a simply grunt and walked towards the room and opened the door to see 5 bed but one of them was occupied. I sighed annoyed knowing someone else was in here but I didn't care right now I was tired and annoyed so I chose the bed next to the stranger and slowly fell asleep.

-Allen's POV-
Everything is dark where am i?
"Hello is anyone there" I Called into the dark abyss only to be met with nothing.
I collapse onto my hands and knees panting it was like the air was running out there was nothing here nothing no sound, no sight, no felling, no smell or taste it was scary because I had came to then sudden conclusion I was going to die in my dream.
I started crying I didn't want this why why me sobbing I stared at the what I think is the floor and sob because there is nothing else to do I was going to die in this dark abyss of a dream no less. I started choking as I couldn't get any air into my lungs. Tears still streaming down my face I try to breathe even though it was hopeless but I promised mana I wouldn't die not yet. And with this thought I struggled with all my strength to breathe because I actually wanted to live an nothing was going to stop me because my feeling were genuine.
'That's just what I wanted to hear' whispered a voice that I recognised but I don't know how. But there was no time for questions as my vision was filled with a green light and then I was standing in a white room and I looked around and saw a mirror and saw myself and then I saw my arm and screamed then fell into darkness.

I opened my eyes and shot up in bed panting trying to regain the dream I just had.
"What was that" I whispered and looked at my left arm.
Sighing in relief I looked around to find out I'm in the nurses office. But something didn't seem right I looked around again and my eyes landed on the bed right next to mine and my eyes landed on the face that belonged. To none other than Kanda I screamed and fell out of bed and face planted the floor.
This is bad this is really bad if Kanda See's me I'm dead what do I do damn it why me of all people.
I slapped my self mentally and shook my head I'll bed fine I just gotta get though that door and I'll be safe.
"Okay 1...2...3 and go" I whisper shouted as I shot for the door.
But I was too late.

"OI SHORT STACK WHY ARE YOU HERE" Kanda shouted rather pissed at having been woken up by me screaming.
My sweat dropped and I lightly scratched my cheek and gave a nervous giggle.

"Huh me well you see um I kinda fell asleep while Lavi was hugging me and I guess he brought me here." I told him in a hurry I seriously didn't want to die today.

-Kanda POV-
I blinked what did the bean sprout just say. D-did he just say he fell asleep hugging Lavi that damned rabbit that perverted rabbit I'll kill him. Wait why do I care about that I mean I don't care about them hugging or anything right?.
I suddenly felt the heat rush to my cheeks.
"OH SHIT" I said out loud not realizing.
I do care fuck this isn't good I need to get out like now and I need to get away from Allen I just can't care for this boy he so so so I don't know.
I stood up and pushed past Allen to get out I need to go I need to get away but as soon as I get to the door I was suddenly yanked. Surprised by the sudden pull I stumbled back and fell onto the bed to see none other than Allen standing in front of me flustered.

-Allen's POV-
I don't know what I was feeling but I knew I couldn't let kanda leave yet I just couldn't but what can I do to stop him I mean he shouldn't leave because I'm here.
Sighing I decided what to do and i grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled him back with almost all my strength and he went toppling back onto the bed and I just stood there before him all flustered and shocked at what I just did.

-No ones POV-
Both boy's stared at each other, Kanda was shocked and Allen was flustered. None of them said anything and just stared at each other intensely and just, Stayed like that for about 3minute before Allen took a step back from the bed and gasped after realising what was going on and turned to run only to be stopped by Kanda who had shot out of the bed and was now holding Allen's arm as he gently pulled Allen towards him. Allen didn't know what to do so he just let himself get pulled towards Kanda while closing his eyes expecting to get hit but that idea suddenly vanished when kanda's arm snaked around Allen's waist while the other held Allen's chin and tilted his face up.

Allen now had his eyes open his silver orbs started up at dark colbalt ones and the faces got closer and Allen was panicking like crazy did he want to get away from kanda? or did he want this? He didn't know what to do but he need to decide and fast...

Author: hate me if u want but the chapter is over find out next time
Allen: wait what?
Kanda: damn idiot author
Author: I'm sorry but I have classes now bye guys bye.

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