Chapter 8 The interruption

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Author:*evil laugh* now to those who are wait for the yaoi scene well that will be in the middle the start they get interrupted I'm a sorry but I couldn't resist.
Kanda: che damn author ruining my fun.
-No ones POV-
Allen and Kanda were locked in a deep breath taking kiss and were just starting to remove there clothing just as...

"Allen do you wanna come with me and Lenalee to watch a movie" Lavi cheerfully barged into the room stopped dead when he saw Allen and Kanda.

"Lavi what's taking so long" this time Lenalee walked in rather annoyed at the wait and she saw Allen and Kanda and she squealed then had a nosebleed.

Allen and Kanda quickly pulled away as Kanda pulled his shirt back on and Allen jump and hid inside his closet trying to find a top, finally finding one he tugged it over his head and slowly emerged from the closet.

-Allen's POV-
As I emerged from the closet I could tell my face was scarlet from embarrassment, And I was still debating what to say about what they just saw.

Damn it I slowly stepped out of the closet to find everyone even Kanda looking at me and I just followed there gaze, down to my left arm which originally had a bandage around it but the bandage was gradually coming undone and for a moment I stared in complete horror no not now.

When I snapped out of my horror I pivoted around to run only to have Kanda pull me back, and for
Lenalee and Lavi undo the bandages and I struggled against them but to now avail. As the bandage got lower and lower everyone faces turned to curiosity, to horror then to curiosity and then to stubborn faces as the whole bandage came off as well as the glove.

"Oi short stack what's with your arm" Kanda asked gently And I looked down at my feet.

"I was born with it like this is one of the reasons I was abandoned as a baby" I whisper quietly refusing to look up.

"Oh Allen I'm sorry we didn't mean to bring back bad memory's" Lenalee whined looking at me gently.

"Its OK you didn't know but now one secrets out the bag might as well let the other one out right" I said looking at them

"OTHER ONE" Kanda, Lenalee and Lavi shouted in unison and I nodded.

Reaching up I slowly pulled my eye patch off and grabbed a wet wipe, from one of my draws and rubbed off the make-up covering the birth mark, scar and I slowly looked at them and smiled sadly.

"This is the really me" I said my voice trembling and then tears leaked from my eyes, and I gasped and rushed to wipe them away but to no avail as they kept dripping and I just grabbed my jacked and a random pair of gloves and ran out the room.

Kanda was calling after me but I ran I mean sure where can I go I just left my dorm room but that didn't mean that I had no where to go, I did have a house that master Cross said was mine so I ran there and didn't stop then I remembered I left the house key in my dorm room.

"Shit" I cursed but continued running I'll just jump through me bed room window it always unlocked all I had to do was open it and I was in.

I finally saw my house and I jumped toward the window which earned plenty of stares from people, I latched onto the edge the window which belonged to my room and opened the window only to fall face first into the floor with a sigh I sat up.

Looking around the room I saw my bed and went to lay down on it and immediately relaxed and fell asleep.

*time skip* ~yaoi ahead don't like don't read~

Opening me eyes slowly I sensed something off about the room and I sat up and looked around and my eyes landed on Kanda who was sat by the window with a smirk on his face.

"You should really learn to shut the window Allen" Kanda said as he walked towards me.

"Yeah and shouldn't climb through them" I retorted and looked him sternly.

"True but then how would I get Allen all alone with no interruptions if I didn't" Kanda said in probably the most seductive voice ever and I blushed.

Kanda came closer and closer until he was towering over me on my bed but, I was the first one to move and pull Kanda down for a kiss and he immediately melted into it. Slowly Kanda was undoing my jacket and pulled it off with out breaking the kiss.

Bit he suddenly pulled back and took his top off and this time he immediately claimed my lips hungrily, and then started to kiss down my jaw then my neck leaving marks everywhere he could. Kanda looked into my eyes as if asking for permission and I nodded shyly as he pulled my trousers and boxers off to reveal my hard member and I blushed deeply.

"Are you ready Allen" Kanda asked softly and I looked at him and smiled nodding my head.

And Kanda pointed 3 fingers at me and told me to suck so I did and he took them out of my mouth when he thought eye were covered with enough saliva.

Kanda moved up and kissed me as he slowly put one finger in, I cringed at the feeling but I soon got used to it and kanda deepened the kiss and added another one and I moaned and pulled Kanda down more while digging my nails into his back.

I was starting to losen up so kanda added the third finger and when he did he hit a certain point and I moaned loudly and clung onto Kanda's shoulders.

"Found it" Smirking Kanda pulled his trousers and boxes off and leaned over me "there's no going back now short stack" he smirked and he claimed my mouth and slowly pushed in.

I cringed again but I soon got used to it and I'll pulled Kanda's hair out of his pony tail, and he started to thrust faster and harder and I was a moaning mess. Then Kanda hit that spot again and I could hold back and I came over both of our chest but he didn't stop he kept hitting that spot repeatedly.

I was moaning so loud I was sure the whole neighborhood could hear me, and I could feel my self needing to cum again and when I looked at Kanda I could see he was close.

Sweating and panting I looked at kanda and nodded and he seemed to get the message because he smiled and went even faster and then he hit my prostrate and I came again instantly and that moment so did Kanda and he collapsed on top of me and I smiled and passed out.

Author:I know it was bad right I just never wrote a yaoi scene before but I wanted to try it.

Lavi: Don't worry Author-Chan I think it was amazing.

Author: thank you.

Kanda and Allen: *sleeping*

Author see you next time.

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