Chapter 5 The Attraction

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Author: oki guy this is chapter 5 and I apologized if anything is wrong I ate something and I don't feel to good today so I apologize.
Allen: is author-chan gonna be OK
Author: yuss I'll be fine don't worry I'll live
Kanda: damn it well I can change that
Author: um OK let's Begin the chapter *runs away*
-no ones POV-

As if in slow motion Kanda's lip began to descend upon Allen as they stared into each others eyes. With Kanda's right arm around Allen's waist and his left hand making Allen look at him. While Allen's hands are flat against Kanda's chest and his legs shaking a little.
Allen can't decide if he want to kiss Kanda or not wait what Allen think of course he didn't want to kiss Kanda. Allen need to get away and fast.

Kanda was lost in his lust he didn't know what he was doing he wasn't even aware that it was Allen he was about to kiss. But Kanda no longer cared he was hungry for love and he wasn't gonna stop till he got it.
Or that's what he fought at least.
Kanda's and Allen's lip being mere centimeters apart Allen had to think fast. He was so scared of what would happen if they kissed that he actually had tears in his eye just ready to spill over the edge. He just couldn't under stand he stared up at Kanda's list filled eyes and that just scared Allen even more and Allen felt like a helpless animal but just the thought of being helpless made Allen angry.

In fact Allen was so angry he managed to summon the strength to resist but when his attempts of twisting and turning failed. He did the last thing he thought of he brought his hand up and slapped Kanda straight across his cheek.

-Kanda POV-
Where am I? Whats going on? Wasn't I just about to leave when Allen pulled me back and then i fell onto the bed and then and then what. I don't know what but what's going on why can't I see anything bit white what's with thi- SMACK.

'SMACK' As colour came back to me I looked straight at the smaller whitette in my arms.
Suddenly though I winced as I finally felt the stinging pain on my cheek and I unconsciously move my hand up and touched my cheek and winced again hold up was the noise that broke me out of my weird mind state Allen slapping me why that.
"DAMNED FUCKING SHORT STACK" I roared the boy had slapped me and not to mention I have a faint taste of blood in my mouth which means he was defiantly gonna get it now.

"EEEK" I heard a high pitched squeak from below means I looked down to see Allen terrified and I just smiled with satisfaction.

-Allen's POV-
"EEEK" I Squeaked when Kanda suddenly yelled and I remembered I had slapped him and right now Kanda just smiled at me and it was a friendly smile either it was a deadly one.
In panic I quickly slipped put of Kanda's grip and ran. I ran out off the nurses office only to have Kanda chase after me.

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