Chapter 10 Allen and Kanda's Little Problem!

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Author: yes its true I'm back and better than ever.
Allen: um Author-Chan what's wrong with me.
Author: *smiles creepily*something
Kanda: you son of a- how dare u
Author: um anyway enjoy the story I got run *runs away*
-No ones POV-
After Allen was taken to the infirmary, Lenalee, Kanda and Lavi waited patiently for the doctor come and tell them what was up although Lenalee already knew but just wanted to be sure.

The doctor came out and looked at them, he had a pale face and was sweating a lot.

"Am I right to assume that your are Mr Walkers companions" the doctor asked nervously.

All of them nodded and the doctor looked down then up at them again.

"Do any of you know if Mr Walker is perhaps gay and if so is in a relationship and who with" the doctor's voice shook slightly.

"Yeah Allen's my boyfriend" Kanda said with a scowl.

"Right well it has been confirmed that Mr Walker is in fact pregnant" the doctor said unsteadily avoiding eye contact.

Kanda blinked once then twice then three time before registering what the doctor said.

"I knew it" Lenalee shouted and grabbed Kanda by the arm and dragged him towards Allen's room.

"Now Kanda you are going to tell Allen this" Lenalee said smirking.

-Allen's POV-
I was sat in bed reading manga book of Detective Conan (Case closed) when Lenalee walked in dragging Kanda behind her and I smiled brightly.

"Hey Lenalee and Kanda what's up" I asked kindly.

That when Kanda turned away and Lena started getting worked up saying that everything was normal and I raised an eyebrow.

"Um guys what's going on" I demanded and then looked down.

"Allen we have something to tell you but Kanda is going to explain isn't that right Kanda. " Lenalee smiled evilly at Kanda and pushed him In front of her.

"What's wrong Kanda" I furrowed my brows as he looked down at the floor then at me.

"Your going to be a mother" was all Kanda said and I just started blankly And Kanda Continued.

"Your pregnant and I'm the Father" Kanda deadpanned.

"WHAT" I screamed

And Kanda just blushed deeply and scratched his cheek.

"Isn't it great Allen you and Kanda are going to have a child and now you can go baby clothes shopping and I'm totally going to help with bay names." Lenalee piped up.

"Hold up Lenalee" I say steadily.

And she stops and I look at Kanda.

"Are you OK with this Kanda" I ask looking at him as he looks back

" well I can't say that I was expecting this but I'm actually Kinda happy and plus its our little problem now" Kanda smiled and I looked at him it was lime a whole other Kanda was here.

"Yh its our own little problem" I smiled brightly.

Author: i know hate me if u want the chapter is really short but I'm struggling for ideas lately so of you guys could give me ideas that would be great.
Allen: Author how could u!!!
Author: hmm what's wrong.
Allen: I'm pregnant that's what's wrong.
Author:oh right haha Lavi.
Lavi: bye see u next time and author run

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