Chapter 3 The Meeting

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(A/N it's here)
Author: "I'm very happy with my self I published chapter 1 and chapter 2 today and. Now I'm writing chapter 3 who knows maybe if I'm lucky I can post it today as well."*^*
Allen: "Author-chan u might wanna write the chapter first before talking like that." *sweat drops*
Lavi: " aww come on Allen can't you see she is excited I mean look at her glowing."
Kanda:"che damn bean spout and stupid rabbit."
-Allen's POV-
*like the end of the last chapter he was heading to his room right he was just opening it*
I opened my room and stepped in side shutting the door behind me with a sigh. And I looked up so see a rather large room which was all neat and clean even all my stuff had been put away. I just gaped at the room it had a double bed, soft green and magnolia walls, a desk, bookcase and a bedside table with a lamp. I stood there amazed at the room and went further in and saw 3 more doors down a a little hallway. But I was to tired so I decided I would check them out in the morning and I got changed into the pj's that were already on my bed and put my other clothes in the wash basket. And climbed into bed and set my alarm and instantly fell asleep.

~the next day 7:00am~ (sorry for the first paragraph being rushed guys)

- still Allen's POV-
I woke up to my phone alarm going off and playing the song ' fighter ' sadly my phone was behind me on the bed side table so I had to get up and turn it off and looked at the screen damn 7:00am I sat back on my bed and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and stood up to see if there was a bath room lucky enough the first door I opened was a bath room sighing I stripped off my pj's and had a shower.
(10 minutes later)
I stepped out the shower and dried my self off and grab my uniform hanging on the bath room door and I got dressed into my uniform and stepped out drying my hair walking over to my desk I opened the top draw and pulled out an eye patch and put it on while applying make up to hide my birth Mark. Then I heard a knock at the door and sighed wondering who was knocking on my door.

"Who is it" I called while puting on my gloves.
"Wow Allen you really offended me forgetting your new best friend already" Lavi whined behind the door.
" I'm sorry come in Lavi " I laughed and started brushing my hair.
" ALLEN" Lavi shouted as he burst through the door and jumped on me making fall over on the floor.
"Ow Lavi get off me will ya" I mumbled while pouting with my face in the floor.
"Oh sorry Allen your just so cute I couldn't resist" Lavi said happily and jumped off me.
I Stood up blushing and saw I had 30 minutes till class started and I smiled happily grabbing Lavi's hand "let's go and get breakfast" I said and ran out my room too go to the canteen.

I ran into the canteen chanting 'food' over and over again with Lavi being dragged behind me and I looked around the canteen the word food instantly died as I looked at all the people and I swallowed the lump in my throat and slowly made my way over to jerry who started smiling happily when he saw me.
"Allennn~" Jerry called happily smiling at me.
" hey Jerry why are you so happy this morning" I said stopping in front of Jerry.
"Oh no reason just I made you a special breakfast this morning" Jerry smiled.
" really you did let me see let me see" I jumped up and down happily as jerry handed me a tray filled with a breakfast dream. (CBA to write what was in the tray that would take to long.)
"Thank you thank you I said taking the tray and turning back to Lavi who just grabbed his breakfast and lead me to a table at the back where no one would see me.
I was so happy that I was practically glowing with happiness as I ate and Lavi just started at me speechless and I just smiled but suddenly the smile vanished as a felt a pair of eyes staring daggers in my back and I turned around quickly scanning through the people but I didn't see anyone but I still felt eyes on me so I stuffed down the rest of my breakfast and grabbed Lavi's arms and ran from the canteen and then stood out side the homeroom class panting as the bell rang.
Lavi smiled " well see you in class Allen" Lavi said and hurried inside and I stood there alone with my head down when someone tapped my shoulder and my head swiveled around to see a teacher with blond hair.
" hmm Your Allen Walker am I right to assume that"
The teacher said.
I nodded "yes sir"

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