Chapter 9 Allen Sick?

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Author: OK guys I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while.
Kanda: che why is that.
Author: I had complications.
Allen, Lavi and Lenalee: what complications.
Author: I had exams and then I recently realized I'm bisexual and now I'm just so confused with family and friends.
Everyone: OH.
-No one's pov-
It's been 2 Weeks now since Allen and Kanda started dating, and everyone apart from Allen was happy even Kanda was happy, but Allen was sat With a glum look on his face. Everyone looked at each other then Allen it was breakfast but Allen didn't touch his plate well plates.

Concerned Lenalee grabbed sweet dumpling and shoved it in Allen's face because everyone  knows Allen Loves food. But as the dumpling was shoved into Allen's face Allen cringed with disgust and then he paled and Allen ran off leaving a very shocked Kanda, Lenalee and lavi.

-Allen's POV-
I was to busy running to the toilets trying not to puke, and failed to not notice a rather happy Komui and when I say happy I mean H.A.P.P.Y.

It seriously creeped me out especially since his smile was aimed at me. And since I was to busy running and feeling creeped out I almost forgot about the churning in my stomach and immediately covered my mouth and turned down corridors and saw the toilets and ran intok the first stall and unloaded all of the non- exsistant food in my stomach.

After about 10 minutes of retching and gagging into a very probably unhygienic toilet I slowly stood up, and weakly walked out of the stall and washed my hands and face. I stumbled out of the toilets and bumped into Kory which meant I had him apologising to me for about 8 minute when it was me who number into him.

"Look Kory its OK it was my fault so you can stop apologising" I said and smiled sweetly

Kory blushed and nodded "Hey Allen do you think can maybe hang out later, like you know go and get some coffee" Kory was looking at the floor for some unknown reason but I just smiled.

"Sure we can that sounds ni-"

"There he is guys I found Allen" I was suddenly cut off by none other than a shouting Bunny I.E. Lavi.

"Damn it" I cursed under my breath as I saw an orange blur come running towards me.

That's also when I saw Lenalee and Kanda Come round the corner with stern looks on their faces I gulped.

I sighed as the blur came towards me and decided I do not want to get tackle down by Lavi, so I quickly side stepped but I forgot Kory was there and I bumped into him and he fell onto the floor then as if in slow motion....





I was falling because since I had to quickly move to avoid falling on Kory I swiveled around him but unfortunately I forgot a certain set of stairs that were right next to him.

"ALLEN" everyone screamed as I closed my eyes and prepared for the impact of the stairs.

I waited but I felt nothing and I opened my eyes clearly wondering what was going on and I gasped when I did I wasn't falling down the stairs anymore in wasn't even in the school.

The room was half white and half black with a piano sat in the middle which was also half black and half white only the black half was on the white side and the white half was on the black side.

On the white side There was a white fabric sofa with mint green cushions on it and a small mini glass table with a glowing green cross which sent messages and images all across the room. I couldn't help but gasp at him magical it was.

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