A Morning to Remember - Chp 20

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Thanks to those who requested more chapters. Your comments and votes encouraged me to write faster. Sorry its been quite a few months since I last posted, I went back and rewrote some of the chapters, which halted my writing. I wrote this quickly and it has only been edited by me so sorry for mistakes. Please enjoy and don't forget to comment and tell me what you thought and feel free to ask questions.

 We stood within a magnificently carved dome laden with towering shelves, massive stained glass windows and gorgeous artwork. The normal grey, stoned floors were covered by numerous Persian rugs of a verity of colors. Behind me stood the door, carved from the finest mahogany, finished with detailed iron work. Before me was a window the size of three men depicting a tale of a dragon and a maiden. Dawns first light was growing stronger and the beams were setting the colors in the glass to life. The room was rather voluminous, however, the number of current occupants made it rather stuffy.

Shifting my gaze to the people surrounding me I spotted my mother. Vidia held Fayre while my mother gave me a soft, warm hug that I returned with a loving smile. Her long stresses of raven hair were swept up on top of her head in a elegant braid woven with a strand of silver. Storm, grey eyes shone brightly upon me with loving affection. A long, pale, lavender dress outlines her lean frame beautifully making her look more goddess than human.

She took my hand and slipped on a strand of tightly woven silver and every so tiny emeralds.

"My mother gave it to me when I was married and now I'm giving it to you," her naturally, dark lips trembled slightly. "May your marriage be a blessed one, my child."

My heart reached out to her in her moment of sadness. Although she was a strict mother her warming arms had always been there for me. I realized now that after I officially took my vows I would be a princess and no longer live in Mel bourn. I could hardly comprehend that feeling of sadness. Everything would change. Once I lifted my eyes from hers they landed on Derick's' loving gaze. He smiled encouragingly for me to continue on, which raised my heart beat profusely.

Derik had no parents present, no family, I didn't wish to imagine what that felt like. Suddenly, I realized I too was missing one very important person, Acantha. My eldest sister left years ago, six to be exact to do something I was not classified to know. I have been missing her everyday since.

My father quickly took my hand chasing away all other doubts gave me a quick wink displaying his dark, emerald eyes. Wearing his heavy chain mail cinched tightly at his waist by his sword belt was a picture of strength. The salt and pepper colored beard that framed his rather triangular chin had been neatly  trimmed  along with his greying, black, shoulder length hair.  I gave him a warm smile as he took my pale slender hands and placed them into Deriks.

After our hands rested intertwined, my father backed away to stand by my mothers side. I was left now to finally accept my fate and become a princess. Sadly, I actual looked forward to it to some small way. Of course I will still be a assassin no matter what I do as Calissta of Mel Bourn.

Connecting my eyes with Derik's I realized I was doing this for him. In truth I never thought what strange things love would make you do. Never in my wildest dreams would I see myself binding myself to a man I could not stand to be around, yet here I am. In truth he had really always been there helping me, for the most part, I did make it hard for him.  He was exceptionally good at not giving away what he knew. Although if I paid him a little more attention I would have realized he knew about me being an assassin. Never In my life had I just slowed down to look at the man before me and actual take the time and learn about the person he is on the inside.

Although I was trained since birth to endure physical and mental pain of immense levels, never have I experienced the persistence and endurance of love. This young man before me willingly kept a deal made long ago when he could have forsaken it and then finding I was his wife is proof enough of his loyalty. No man has ever tried to win my heart and at the same time care for my family and a country. The love that my heart feels cannot be describe in words for it is such an out of the world feeling, however, I can try and describe it as pure bliss as if nothing in the world could harm me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2014 ⏰

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