The Art of Hiding From an Enemy? - Chp 5

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Thanks you for reading it means a lot to me;) I really stink at grammer so if the're any mistakes which there are feel free to tell me, or even better maybe help me edit. Thanks! So tell me what you thought of this chapter and if you liked it. I dedicated this to Ppeticjustice2 for adding this book to her library. Thanks so much!

I was having a hard time breathing being squished in between two crating barrel's on the docks. It was the only place I think to hide that would fit me a my fat butt at the moment. I had only hold my breaths a few seconds longer and the huge bear of a man would be gone very soon, or at least I hoped.

Though things rarely went my way, this time I was in luck. The bear man stalked past the barrels not giving a second look my way. After I was sure he was gone I sighed quietly releasing all my fear in that one sigh. I slowly squeezed out of the crevice and slipped down an alley way that lead to the main street. I stayed in the alleyway scanning the street for any sign of the man. The cobble stone road was empty except for a few riders heading towards the Inn and the city guards making their patrols down the street across from me. I turned and put my back against the wall. I had a risky idea which seemed better too me at the moment than getting murdered by a blue viking. I wonder if he really is a viking. I guess I will have to find out another time.

I slipped my hand around the knot that held my mask on and tugged on it till it came undone. I slipped off my pack that I kept with me at all times and pulled out a ruby colored shawl. I set it aside with my mask and got down on my knees and pressed my four fingers into the muddy ground, then smeared a small amount of mud onto my cheek. Then ruffly applied the rest to my vest. I neatly placed my dagger belt into the bag along with my mask and the black scarf that had been tied around my neck. From the bag I had brought out the ruby shawl and two gold circular pins the size of my hand with my fathers Crest molded into the front. I carefully slung my cloak over my shoulder and clipped the end onto my breast plate with one of the gold pins. I did like wise with the other end of the cloak. I unraveled my knee length braid, then warp the ruby shawl around my waist, then slipped my pack back on under my cloak.

"There. " I sighed. My plan should work perfectly.

I stumbled out of the alleyway waving my hands in the air for the guards.

"Excuse me! Can you help me? I have fallen from my horse." I exclaimed coming up to their rear.

Their chain-mail clinked as they turned to face me. Each one a few inches taller than I. Their silver helms cover their faces completely, giving me an uneasy feeling. The more sturdy looking one took a step towards me.

"Whats a pretty woman like you doing out riding at night?" He asked lifter his hand to stroke his beard.

The other one took a few steps toward me reaching out for my hand but a back away before he could get it. "I was returning home from shopping, and my horse threw me." I said quietly.

Pulling my hands out in front of me as he tried to lunge for me. The light from a near by lantern caught the reflection of my gold pins, and the guard lunging for me seemed to take notice of them. He stopped in his place and motioned for other guard to have a look. "Well It seems we are in the presence of one of the dukes daughters Nelven." He laughed.

fantastic now I was going to be harassed by the town idiots or worse if I didn't find help soon. I would fight them if It came to it, but it was to risky, it could give away my cover. "What's wrong with you two? Can you not return me safely back to my home?" I questioned in the most authoritative voice I could muster.

It seemed that most my self confidence disappeared when I pulled my mask off, but know was not the time to lose it. I straightened my shoulders and raised my head, as the guard called Nevlen tilted his head at me as if trying to make my face out. "Melekn how can we be sure this is one of the dukes offspring." He questioned his friend totally ignoring my question.

I rolled my eyes. This wasn't worth the wait. I would just find some other. . . Wait a second they don't recognize me? All the guards new me, maybe not what I looked like but they new my personality or description from the castle guards. My father had made it his job for every one in the land to know me in case I was lost and so on. They were impostors. Nice all the bad stuff happens to me. First most my clients try to kill me now this.

"The crest of course! It's gold. You can't find many peasants with pin of gold and with the dukes crest now can you." Melekn growled angrily.

It was time for me to go. I slipped past them and started running down the street.

"Hey wait, stop!" They shouted.

I laughed and put more power into my strides. I ran up the street and turned left down a fork in the road that should lead home and to help. As I ran for awhile I turned down another fork, the street was oddly quiet as a grave yard. There were a few lanterns lite and hanging outside shop windows but no noise. I slowed down a bit and to a peak over my shoulder. The guards wern't on my trail any more. Strange.

As I quietly rounded the next corner I hear the slightest sound. It sounded like a hoof clatter against the cobble stone but I wasn't quite sure. I looked around the at the buildings for any sign of life. The only thing I could hear was the soft whistle of a fall breeze floating through the town. My heart slowly started to race. What could be the meaning of this.

'Where were the people?' repeatedly asked myself in my head. To scarred to whisper a word.

My thoughts returned to the guards. What if they were invading they were just the start and the whole guard had been killed and replaced with impostors. I took a deep breath. I had to make it home and fast. What had happened during the hours I was gone? Just as I thought that the street started to fill with the clatter of hoofs. I turned to hide but it was to late. The street was filled with armed warriors cover with green cloaks and most on horse back.

I sucked in the air needed to keep myself standing. "Who are you?" My voice echoed off the roof tops.

I was met with no answer, instead just the rustling of armour and the heavy breaths of the warriors. The horses started snorting as a gray spotted stallion made its way from the pack of warriors. On it rode a fierce looking man. His head was bald and his face shaved. The only flaw was a gruesome looking scar starting from the his jaw and end at his ear.

"Grab her." He commanded the men.

Then every thing was a blur of moment and noise. The six men in the lead galloped forward sheathing their swords and moving for rope on the sides of there saddles. The foot soldiers ran forward circling me as the riders leaped off there horses. There was not a chance I was going to survive this alone. A rider grabbed me from behind getting a tight grip on my arms as another came with rope and a grin spread across his face in front.

I was about to pull back and fight when the sharp whistle of an arrow sped by, and hit the soldier holding the rope, in the heart. Before the men could realize what was happening arrows started appearing in each one. Then the sound more horses hoofs against the stone street gave me hope. Maybe it was my father. I quickly freed myself from the now dead warriors grasp and start running towards the battle now taking place in the street.

Before I could even make it into the clash of battle I was swept of my feet and being pulled into a saddle of a white mare.

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