Greetings? - Chp 13

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Authors Note: Thanks for reading!

As soon as we had crossed the drawbridge and entered into the castle a loud blast of trumpets sounded. Poor Fayre clutched her ears with a terrified look on her face. I held her in my arms till the noise came to a halt. Then she finally calmed down and started searching her surroundings with her eyes for something only she new. 

My lips twitching slightly threatening to break a smile. Her face held such wonder as we drove through the Gate house and rambled up the cobble stone street. The street led through the level where the houses of servants and live stock were kept then stopped at the massive Iron wrought doors to the palace courtyard.

Magically the doors heaved inward as if by themselves and not the guards positioned behind the door. The driver gave us questionable look to see if he was meant to go on.

"Thank you, for everything. we'll walk from here," 

Sighing quietly I hopped out of the cart. Reaching back for Fayre who immediately climes into my arms. She then beckons me to set her down on the ground. I do so, however, I don't let go of her tiny hand just in case she felt like straying. Just as Nara leaps off the sounding of many foot steps echos from a massive stone archway that leads to the entrance of the grand hall. I new the place quite well from numerous visits as a masked Assassin.

Soon Derik came striding through the archway accompanied by family and other unknown persons. Derik came to a halt as soon as he saw me. I quickly made my curtsies to him.

"Calissta you made just before the start of a new day." He nodded with a smirk that soon disappeared

I shrugged. "Yes, I guess I did Derik." Eyeing him from where I stood.

Then something unexpected happened that broke are stare match. Fayre giggled with delight slipping her hand from mine went running towards him. "Father!" She squealed happily.

I shoved my face into my hands. As I felt a deep blush start burning it's way onto my face. I heard Nara muffle a laugh. I turned to glare but she was already heading into one of the guard houses.  I wanted scream than fall over crying like I had seen some of the Ladies in court do when they thought they were alone. Instead summed up enough courage to face Derik and my family. I walked as quickly as possible aware my mother was watching me and called out to Fayre.

"Fayre! I'm sorry your mistaken dear," I swung her up into my arms.

She looked to me then back to Derik with a look of confusion. "But you and Nara sa. . ." I clamped my hand over her mouth.

I looked at Derik and shook my head. Quickly, I changed the subject by flinging free arm around my father to hug him.

"I am so glad your all safe! What transpired?" I asked keeping my questions short. Although my mind was flooded with questions that needed to be answered.

He ran his hand quickly through his salt and peppered hair before shaking his head. "Much my daughter, however I think it's best you get some food and rest before we share stories." His blue eyes twinkled with a hint of mystery, his gaze landing on the child in my arms.

I nod affirming his statement then give my mother a warm smile, which she acknowledges by returning another more encouraging one. Taking note of her rather beautiful grey dress that hugged her slim form rather elegantly.

Derik remained rather interested at what transpired, yet remained silent. Stepping forward he motioned with his hand toward the entrance to the castle.
"Let me show you where you will be staying for the time being." He bowed politely.

I gently rewarded him with a smile while biting down on my cheek as not to say anything I would regret.

"Please, I would be honored your Highness." I gave a tipsy curtsies with Fayre hanging from my side then we headed off toward the entrance.


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