The Journey Begins - Chp 18

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NOTE: Again there are mistakes. Thanks for reading! Comments and votes give me enthusiasm to write more so keep em coming. Hopefully I will be able write a chapter every week or more.

"Ahhh this weighs a ton!" Vidia gasps.

Leaning against the stalls wall to take a deep breath. Laying her arms above her to rest against the bleached pine boards.

Chuckling under my breath I took a step back. "Well maybe you might think before you pack a solid steel crossbow. Why did you even bring it?"

The sudden marching of boots pauses her retort. Throwing ourselves down against the latched door we wait for the soldiers pass. Once gone my brilliant horse lucky in the next stall over gave a slight nicker. Sighing we slip back to original places. Vidia against the wall and I crouch over the leather sacks by my knees. The fresh yellow hay had been swept out about ten minutes before we arrived. Leaving the stone grey stone floor barren and cold.

"You know I would think you would be Delighted about me bringing it. You needed it last time." Replies Vidia pausing to move to the floor."Your things are here."

She pushes the larger tanned sack to my left in front of me, I nod my thanks. "You know I only needed that crossbow to scale the cliff walls. When will I need to do that again?"I muttered under my breath.

Pulling apart the drawstring of the bag revealing soft cotton folds of black. Pulling out the black tunic then a green, Till I reach a thicker grey tunic; long wool sleeves, lined on the inside with cotton and two brass buttons at the neck.

Thrusting my hand back into the bag I pull out a dozen more needed items. A bronze dyed silk chest plate fallows by arm and leg braces then ankle boots. With a little extra searching I manage to find a sturdy pair of ankle wrap boots along with pant skirts.

Pausing a moment I listen for soldiers. Discovering not a sound could be heard aside from the animals, I rose to my feet. Gathering my items into miniscule sack slinging it over my arm, I slip out of the stall and into the next one over.

Lucky greets me with a puff of air. "Hey girl. I missed you." I coo softly to her.

Stroking her side I calmly unlatch flap to my saddle bag. Quickly shoving the sack into leather bag I latch it up. Heading towards the exit I stop to wrap my arms around Lucky's neck. Giving her soft black fur a rub I slip out of the stall.

Turning to the next stall I lean into it. " Vidia! Pack up lucky with supplies in the other saddle bag. My blankets need to be attached too. Thank you."

Huffing she nods," of course your highness."

We both giggle for a moment then I stride away down the stable. Taking notes on all the horses that shove there heads out to greet me.

Humming to myself the sweet melody I danced too I start a little skip. I turn sharply out of the stable doors. The tip of my foot smashes against a half unearthed stone. Loosing balance I tumble side long into a heaping pile of fresh hay. Struggling to climb out as it sucks me further I suddenly hear footsteps.

Freezing in place hidden in the hay I wait.

"No. Well I have my hands full already sorry. They are sisters after all." Responds the lulling voice of Derik.

"I don't understand why they always leave?" Questions a rather familier voice.

"Jethro it's Melbourne women. Speaking of we need to find them before head in for the night." Says Derik with concern edged in his voice.

Hay slips down my shirt tickling me. The hay shifts around ever so slightly as I flinch. Holding my breath I wait to hear if they notice. Nothing only the parting of foot steps.

Sighing inwardly with relief. Suddenly my heart jolts as a pair of hands wrap around my waist pulling me to the surface. Unknowing I push my heels against the ground for momentum to go forward but end up stumbling backward. Landing atop of course Derik.

Grinning he lifts me off then helps me to my feet. "Derik one of these days your going to get seriously hurt!" I scold him like a child.

With a wink he nods, "Maybe. Though I would never had done it had I seen you tumble in here when coming from the stable."

"Hmm. . . Just don't do it again. Okay?" I huff.

My heart still beats off course from being near him. I turn away hoping to hide my face only only to be taken by the hand a pulled into a warm embrace.

"Okay. Calissta I love you. I know your planing something instead would you come with me." He murmurs into my ear.

I pause relaying over my original plan. Pushing away from his embrace to gaze into his eyes. I wrap my arms around his neck. "Of course." I pull my lips to his.

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