Thats What I Did? - Chp 3.

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Authors Note: Thanks for you continuing to read! The first few chapters need some serious editing, so beware! I love comments and Votes they inspire me to write more!

My thought flew around my head. Derik was here Elma said we had a guest. Though how could I have expect him. The last time I saw him was last night. Suddenly it dawned on me. He had tracked me.

My father took hold of my hand and pulled me forward into the room. The counsel had remade sitting because as always the remained extremely rude. I curtsied as the custom while Derik gave a low bow.  "Lady Calissta its a great pleasure too. . ." He was staring into my eye. He suddenly shook his head as if trying to forget something. He went into a trance staring at my eyes.

"Well it seems Derik lost his words with your beauty." Teased my father. He pushed me gently back out the door. "I must finish this, now begone my daughter."

I nodded and pushed his arm away. Heading to out the door on my accord. "Wait Calissta!''

I Turned my head around quickly toward Derik. He strode towards me at a quick pace. My eyes quickly flickered around the room for some kind of a weapon. Coming to a halt inches away from me. his gaze burned on my face like fiery hot coals. "Do you ride?" He asked casually.

I glanced at my father. He shook his head. "Sorry I don't really think its what a Lady does," I replied hastily.

The prince thought for a second or two."May we go on a walk around the garden this afternoon."

I nodded. "If it pleases your highness." 

Then I turned almost leaping away with joy if not for my audience and ankle. Derik recognize me by my eyes. Or maybe he did, and was waiting for are walk in the garden to capture me, then kill me. Well he would have to catch me first. 

Hearing the oak doors shut again I continued on my quest through the castle.

I would have to find some way to avoid meeting Derik again. Later I will dwell on the matter, right now my stomach required sustenance after missing the morning meal.

My ankle was feeling better. I started walking with swifter movements. Turning down a corridor that lead to the kitchen. "Gofson? Surprised to see you here." Said a smooth voice. Must be the cook talking I noted casually which did not bother me though the name Gofson was strange to me. Never had I heard that name before. I peaked my head around the door into the kitchen trying to find them.

"Yes I came with his highness to search the near by castles and surrounding farms. . . For an assassin." Gofson whispered the last part.

"An assassin!" Cried the cook in terror.

"Shush! She could be listening to us now." That made me grin. I pressed my back against the wall outside the kitchen as not to be seen.

"Haha! A girl assassin!" Bellowed the cook.

"Yes! A child no less. I deemed her silly at first till I saw her." Gofson reassured his friend. I am sure this Gofson had a red face after giving my gender. I would have left in fear of being caught again eavesdropping. Though I needed to know more.

"You saw her? How?" Replied the cook sounding astonished.

"Well I did not see her face. She was wearing a mask. But her figure and her voice gave it away at first. Then she just told me." Gofson replied hurriedly. I am sure i knew who this Gofson was. it was killing me not to see what he looked like. "You asked her?"

"Yes. It was part of the princes plan. I made a deal with smuggler to find out were you could send a message to her asking for help. inreturn you sent her some obscure herb or item. Once i made myself none to her as a poor monk in need of help to retrieve a stolen item she excepted." I Knew who Gofson was. He was the traitor in the woods. This made me boiling with anger. He was not but five feet away. I could at least punch him. Then i would give myself away. No i could do him more harm as Lady Calissta. This was going to be pure revenge. 

I Did not need to hear more. Silently walking back down the halls to the Garden. I would Just eat the ripe juicy blackberries that were in season as my breakfast. 

Running arcoss the pebble path to the blackberries hurt my feet and ankle. Managing to get a skirt full off berries i headed to a grassy spot under the shade of a tree. 

There I ate my berries a thought about the events of the morning. 

What Gofson said startled me. The people had always loved me so why did they give away my location? This made no sense to me. I would figure it later. For now i was content on avoiding Derik   and eating my berries. 

My peaceful meal however ended shortly. "She has to be wearing it!" Screamed my sister, Lady Vidia. Seeing her enter the garden i quickly scrambled up the tree. Once out of sight i peaked my Head around the trunk of the tree to watch her. She was wearing her summer gown. A light sky blue with pearls around the neck line. Three servants and Elma fallowed behind her. 

"You would think she was six instead of nineteen!" Vidia cried lifting her hands into the air. Elma came to her aid trying to calm her down. "Lady Vidia we will find her. I am sure she would not wear your dress."  This made me look guiltily at the green silk gown that hung on me. Though the green blended in really well with the trees. 

My sister finally calmed down, and started walking in her normal graceful movements around the garden. She waved the servants away. Walking repeatedly around the roses and smelling the most fragrant. Her eyes darted around the place. She leaned down and gently pulled her hairpiece out. Her long radiant coils of night hair rolled down her back. She placed the clip onto the rose. Picking up her gown off the ground she turned to leave. Her eyes darted around the garden once more before Pulled the metal gate open and entered into the courtyard. 

I smiled. My sister was secretly my sponser who found me my jobs. 

Swiftly climbing down from the tree i made my way to the bush. Unclasping the hairpiece i read the note.  It was in code just in case some one else got to it before me. It read. 

Sister, you are needed at the Blue Horse. Midnight, tonight. Give my dress back. Washed. 

I grinned for awhile. Riping the note up then stuffing it into the center of the bush. 

Now i lifted my dress to my knees and hobbled across the pebble path to the iron gate. Just as my hand grasped the handle so did someone Else. Tilting my head upwards. It took awhile for my eyes to adjust to the blinding light of the sun. They focused slowly on the astonished face of prince Derik.

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