Mystery and a lady - Chp 11

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BOOM another chapter! Yes I wrote another chapter so soon! I am really getting into the plote of my own story. So now I think I am going to be writing a lot more. Oh it would be awesome if anyone of you amazing readers would comment what you think about my book so far? Oh of course it hasn't been edited so it please bare with me. Thanks!

After the Scotts had been taken care of and the village fires had been put out the villages elders wife helped me pack Fayre's things. The child clung to me. Silent tears running freely down her precious face. She had watched her mothers body brought to the village's hill of rest and placed beside the other mounds of rock graves. Fayre barely new me yet she buried her face in the layers of my cloak and refused to let me set her down, I felt I under stood her pain so I did not deny her a small comfort.

Nara just eyed me with scowl on her face. She disapproved of me taking the child. I ignored her the rest of the day. The elders wife told me she would bring the child's things and explain to me what happened after Nara and I got a something to eat. I was incredible starving so it worked out. Nara still kept quiet till after we had been seated in at the town mini Inn and served hot platters of roast chicken. Fayre had fallen asleep and placed on a bed in another room. As I came to join Nara at the table I got many thanks from the villagers. They were all grateful for are help.

I slid into a worn down stool across from Nara and started digging into the crispy, delicious chicken.

"Lady Calissta, we have wasted a day here we have to get a move on. And the child must not come. She will just slow us down." Whispered Nara right as I took a mouthful of chicken.

After swallowing I carefully studied Nara. She seemed completely serious about what she said. Her gleaming purple eyes stared me down. I clenched my jaw and starred back. "You take orders from me now. As for the child she comes. "

Nara made a sound almost like a hiss. "I take orders from the Queen, King and crowned Prince no one else. The child you know nothing about other than you talked with her mother for five seconds. The child is known here. She can find some one here to take her."

"That will be hard lass." Said a soft voice from behind me. Nara raised her eyes, I quickly turned around in my chair.

The elders wife, stood a few feet away. She was an older woman with graying hair pulled in a wind braid around the top of her head. Her face was angled with tiny wrinkles under her eyes, hardly noticeable in the dim light. Her facile features were quite small and petite yet pretty, accompanied by dark green eyes. Her long draping moss green sleeves of her dress counseled a bag. She walked around to the table and took a seat next to me.

"I am Lena Gwenwarth, we met before but I never got your names?" She smiled politely at us.

I nodded. "I am Calissta." I gave her a warm smile as set my fork down on the plate. Nara shot me a glare.

"Please eat. No need to stop. You both must be starving from all that fighting, and it's a way the village can pay you back." Lena stated simply with a warming smile.

I thanked her with another smile. She then turned to face the sulking Nara. Who seemed to be trying look interested in her food all of sudden. Her shiny chain mail kept reflecting of the light onto the table which also seemed to distract her.

"Now I didn't mean to be eavesdropping but you two send something about orders? You both Orikane?" Lena asked in a hushed voice while she gave a small glance around the empty room.

I was about to come up with a fake explanation, but Nara spoke first. "Yes. We are traveling to Dunbarly for new orders. I am Nara."

Lena nodded solemnly. "Now I understand a little but I believe your holding back many things. Which is understood. Explaining every thing to an old woman like me could be dangerous I'm sure your both aware of that."
We both grinned. I was beginning to like this lady she seemed quite wise.

"Now about the child. As her mother asked you Calissta to protect her I am asking you to do so by taking her with you. You will not only be saving her but the village as well." Lena whispered.

Nara eyed the woman suspiciously. "Please tell us about it?"

Lena nodded and muttered. "Of course. . .Of course.'' She cleared her throat then leaned into the table.

"Many years ago Fayre's mother was a servant girl at the Dwayn manor in Scottanelia before she came here. The wife of the lord was thought not to be able to bare children so the lord took Emma, Fayre's mother as a mistress in hopes she would have a child. She soon was with a child but so was the lords wife. The wife demanded that the child of Emma's be killed before it could have breath. But the lord ruthless in many ways had a soft spot for his mistress and so helped her escape to the North Kingdom. Where she found us. About five days ago Emma learned that the lords child had died years ago and the lord had been trying for years to find a way to get his other child back. Emma new that the lord had shown compassion by freeing her but he was a cold hearted murderer and disgusting fowl pig of a man that could not offer anything good for them. A few days later the town got news that the Scotts were invading and Emma new she had to flee. Sadly since she has lived here a spie of the lords had been keeping an eye on her and the child. He reported to the lord that they planned to flee, the lord gave him men to burn the village, kill the mother and take the child." Lena's gaze fell on me at the end of her story.

I dropped my eyes to the floor to stair at the rough wooded panels, then muttered. "That's why it would be hard to find a home for Fayre here. No one would want the cause of the destruction of their homes."

I raised my eyes to met Lena dip her head in response. Nara sighed. Lena and I eyed her suspiciously. "And how did you come across this tale Lena?" Enquired Nara.

Lena made a large gesture to the place around her. "I became like a family to her. I was the only one that would except her and her darling child. And your probable going to ask next why I won't take the child. My husband has refused to let the child again in are home after the attack."

Nara sighed. "I guess the child can come. But Calissta you must find some one else to take her once we reach Dunbarly."

After I finished my last bite of crisp chicken I snickered. "If you remember I out rank you. And the child was of course coming anyways. Pulse we are parting ways as soon as we reach the castle so the Fayre will be no concern of yours."

I couldn't believe how Nara had started behaving as if my mother. I was getting real tired of it. I held back a scream of rage. I had grown fond of the child like my own daughter within a day I know that was odd, but I felt like I owed her mother to take care of the child. It would be fun to have some one to watch to get my mind of the brewing war and  supposed husband.

Nara frowned. "What would your husband say about having a child so soon after being reunited."

I scoffed. "Does every one know about us?" Nara nodded smuggle. I rolled my eyes. "He doesn't have a say in it."

This time she just muttered under her breath. "We'll see about that." Then pushed her chair back a stood up. "Well we have to be going." 

Lena who seemed to have been transfixed on are little argument suddenly broke free of her daze and nodded. "Yes. Here Calissta the child's things and a farmer has offered to give you guys a ride to Dunbarly." She passed me a tiny flour sack stuffed with the child things. I took it gratefully. Nara walked outside to the cart while I went with Lena to wake Fayre.

As we entered the back room and headed towards Fayre I was stopped by Lena. She quickly looked towards the door then back to me. "You friend is not telling you something. Your ladyships husband passed through here bout and hour or two before you two came. "

I felt my cheeks growing red. Who knew what Derik told the woman about us. I already new Nara had been hiding something from me. And I planned to find out what it was soon.

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