How Dark are the Dark Woods? - Chp 7

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Thanks so much every one for reading my book! I hope you find this chapter interesting:) Oh it's not been through editing:( srry. But please enjoy.

We had been walking through the woods for what seemed like days but turned out to be hours. Derik had tried to bring up the subject of are so called 'marriage' at least several times. I hardly managed to change the subject the first three time so when he pressed on again I called on to the aid of mud, sticks, and mushrooms. Now I was currently trying to wash the mud from my hair.

"You almost done yet? We need to press on before dark falls and were trapped here for the night." Shouted Derik from down the hill.

"I almost done so just shush up will you!" I screamed back down. Not really helping my plead for quietness. On the way up to the creek I had felt the presence of something watching me and it wasn't Derik. My spine just shivered to think about what could be in these woods. I guess they wern't called the Dark Woods for nothing.

I quickly dunked half my head back into the icy river water and started to roughly scrub the mud clumps away. After I was sure they were out I lifted my head from the water and twisted the extra water from my hair. Once it was dry enough I put it back into its long braid that fell past my waist, then went bouncing back down the hill to Derik.

The descent down the leaf covered ground was a little hard but after a few slips I got the hang of it and was sliding down the hill in no time. At some moments I had to use the support of trees to keep myself from flying down. As I made it to the flat ground my sore foot slipped into a miniscule hole entrapping my ankle. I was cuaght of guard and didn't have time to catch myself with myhands. My body went falling to the ground head first.

"Calissta! What are you doing?" Asked Derik while approaching with caution.

"Ifellith-on-mth-facth-I-amth-stucth!" I tried to scream, but it just came out more muffled.

It was becoming harder to breath with my face pressed again the hard cold ground and my ankle refusing to come loose. I could hear Derik's muffled laugh as he grasp my shoulders with his hands and hosted me up off the ground. My foot popped out of the hole giving my sore ankle a sharp pinch.

"Ouch!'' I cried out.

"What all I did was pick you up." Derik exclaimed while taking a step back from me.

I just shook my head and sat down on the cold dirt ground and started to massage my ankle. "No I just hurt my ankle that's all."

"Oh here let me help. " Offered Derik coming to my side. But I jumped up landing on my good foot and backed away from him, heading for the horse.

"You know I'm fine really." I said casually stepping next to the horse for safety. Derik just eyed me from where I had just been.

"Sure you are." He said sarcastically and headed towards the horse. I inched away to the other side.

"What are you doing?" He asked while grabbing the reigns of the horse.

I just watched him from my safe heaven on the other side of the horse. "I feel like walking on this side. Is that okay your highness?"

He grinned, showing of his perfectly white pearly teeth, which for some reason made me want to hit him. " Princess whatever you like." He retorted with a mocking bow.

I gasped. "How dare you! I am not a princess nor do I wish to be." I stomped up to him an snatched the reigns, and started walking down the trail we were following.

He walked in step next to me not losing pace at all. "Your right your not a princess anymore your soon to be queen."

I stopped dead in my tracks. "What's wrong with your mother?" He just shrugged. "She's older and wants to retire so she can spend more time with her future Grand kids."

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