Group Chat (1)

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Two-Bit: Hey twats hows it going

Sodapop: language

Two-Bit: what its called english, you speak it too

Ponyboy: is this really happening

Sodapop: Yea we're not starting this Two

Two-Bit: Im afraid we are

Johnny: starting what?

Ponyboy: Hi Johnny :D

Johnny: Hi darling :)

Johnny: Pony****** :0

Ponyboy: :>

Two-Bit: theory: he changed his autocorrect

Johnny: fake, totally fake

Sodapop: Whatcha doin Johnny

Johnny: wanting to hangout with you guys

Ponyboy: :'>

Dally: Whats up knuckle heads

Johnny: Oh hey Dal how are you

Dally: im good man

Sodapop: Hi dally

Two-Bit: what brings you here dallas

Dally: not sure...

Ponyboy: thats funny

Dally: why is it funny

Ponyboy: because it is

Johnny: :D

Ponyboy: :3

Two-Bit: y'know i think we're missing someone

Steve: y'know i think you're out of cake

Ponyboy: Can i guess why?

Steve: go ahead

Ponyboy: no clue

Steve: hm

Two-Bit: Ponyboy

Ponyboy: yea?

Two-Bit: dally told me he saw you and johnny getting a little and i quote "playful" at his house

Sodapop: is this true

Ponyboy: what like touchy?

Johnny: O_O

Two-Bit: i see...

Dally: dont worry kid, you're secrets safe with me ;)

Ponyboy: not really a secret since its in the group chat dal

Two-Bit: ...

Dally: right...

Darry: soda you got something in the mail

Sodapop: what is it?

Steve: is it cake

Ponyboy: no yea i think i saw a cake in the mailbox when i got home

Sodapop: no kidding

Ponyboy: heh there actually was something in there... it said "for sodapop"

Sodapop: you're dead

Two-Bit: hey dally this girl at the drive in is talking about you

Dally: the red head?

Two-Bit: mhm

Dally: what'd she say

Two-Bit: words i'd rather not say in front of you children

Darry: i read the note, its from a sandy... looks personal

Sodapop: be prepared pony, be prepared

Ponyboy: for what

Sodapop: hold on guys

Two-Bit: ok

Steve: oo just saw soda put some moves on him

Two-Bit: how

Steve: window

Two-Bit: ah

Johnny: Pony? :0

Sodapop: i feel better now :]


Dally: :|

Two-Bit: what'd i miss


Two-Bit: darn it

Johnny: Pony you okay??

Sodapop: thats what you get

Ponyboy: FOR WHAT

Sodapop: for not getting my mail on time kiddo


Sodapop: very

Johnny: Pony???

Ponyboy: yea Johnny?

Johnny: Are you okay?!

Dally: :DD

Ponyboy: im great

Johnny: you sure?

Sodapop: hes here :O

Ponyboy: perfectly fine... now that soda's felt karma

Steve: pony went to his room, oo ouch

Two-Bit: damn

Dally: :P

Johnny: gosh Pone

Ponyboy: yea now im okay

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