Group Chat (14)

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Oh my goooshh!! Thank you for all the reads and votes and comments! I did not expect this book to go a long way, but I'm happy you all find it amusing. I know I do 😆 Love to all of you!! 💕

Sodapop: Hey Pony, come outside

Ponyboy: ok

Ponyboy: n

Ponyboy: no, we're not doing that

Ponyboy: I see you through the window

Ponyboy: no way

Sodapop: Come on, it'll be fun!

Ponyboy: I'll bust a street light, no thanks

Sodapop: Aw, but it's an old car anyway

Sodapop: okay maybe you're right

Johnny: Is Soda teaching you how to drive? :)

Ponyboy: he wants to but there iS NO WAY I'D DRIVE IN THE SMACK OF TIME

Sodapop: You gotta learn either way kiddo

Darry: What's this about driving?

Sodapop: yAH, he'd be excellent :D

Sodapop: Darry pretty please

Sodapop: with a...

Steve: Cherry?

Sodapop: NO STEVE

Sodapop: With sprinkles and sugar on top :)

Darry: I'll ground him if he doesn't pass, got it?

Sodapop: I PROMISE


Sodapop: YES IT IS

Sodapop: You better pass now :)

Darry: Even if he passes, I'll still ground him

Ponyboy: Then what's the point in driving at all? I'm grounded either way (눈_눈)


Darry: If you're smart, you'll learn anyway

Sodapop: Cheer uuuppp you'll be fine

Ponyboy: so...excited... (-_-;)

Sodapop: Vamonos ( ̄ω ̄ )

Steve: Hey Ponyboy no texting and driving

Sodapop: Yeah he knows

Johnny: have fun (◕‿◕)

Ponyboy: you too

Ponyboy: wait ignore that

Johnny: xD

Darry: What is it with these little dudes

Steve: I know, your bros are wack, especially that Pony kid

Darry: Haha

Darry: I meant the little smiley face things

Darry: those little bug-eyed fellas


Johnny: the emojis? like these ٩(◕‿◕)۶ (ง ื▿ ื)ว ☆ミ(o*・ω・)ノ

Steve: hey that's a cute combo

Darry: What in heck

Darry: There's more?

Johnny: Sure are

Steve: Johnny's got a whole army of them

Johnny: Dally has some...edgy ones

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