Group Chat (15)

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Two-Bit: anyone down for a beer?

Sodapop: Can't, I'm at work

Steve: He gets drunk on reading anyway

Steve: Does it all day, nothing else

Steve: Don't you, champ?

Sodapop: That's right

Two-Bit: I thought that was Pony's job

Two-Bit: Where is he anyhow?

Ponyboy: Darry's making me take vitamins

Sodapop: Go to bed and maybe he won't shove them down your throat

Ponyboy: You can say that again HAH

Sodapop: :/

Ponyboy: sorry I'll stop

Two-Bit: LOOL you take those Flintstone gummies?

Two-Bit: How about the little bear-shaped ones? XD

Ponyboy: You want one?

Two-Bit: I'm good

Steve: haha

Steve: Is that why I didn't see you at school this morning?

Ponyboy: Maybe

Sodapop: I probably sneezed...

Sodapop: Sorry

Ponyboy: Nah don't apologize

Ponyboy: I fell asleep with wet hair, it's my fault

Johnny: Poor baby :(

Ponyboy: I'll be fine

Ponyboy: As long as no one else gets sick

Ponyboy: Including Soda

Ponyboy: Who is already at work

Sodapop: I'm okay

Sodapop: Nothing can break me :)

Steve: Hold on

Ponyboy: What?

Steve: Nothing

Ponyboy: It's gotta be something

Steve: No

Steve: I think I just saw Dally

Two-Bit: (゜゜)

Steve: I think

Steve: I said I think

Sodapop: I didn't see anyone familiar, except you :)

Steve: Keep wiping the window -__-

Ponyboy: What's he there for?

Steve: No idea

Steve: But it could just be me

Steve: It's not like a premonition, right? Lol

Johnny: (¬_¬)

Two-Bit: Look I gotta go

Ponyboy: why

Steve: Where are you going?

Two-Bit: Oh MAN

Two-Bit: I couldn't tell you now

Steve: No do tell

Johnny: what is it? SPILL

Two-Bit: alright alright

Two-Bit: If this girl isn't smiling at me

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