Steve x Soda (9)

704 27 3

Sodapop: Thanks :)

Steve: For what, at 2 in the morning? :)

Sodapop: For being...

Sodapop: I can't even talk...

Steve: That's okay.

Steve: You wanna talk about it?

Sodapop: No haha

Sodapop: Pony's asleep. I can't really talk on the phone if that's what you meant.

Steve: Heh, sorry :)

Sodapop: You okay? I miss you


Steve: but srsly why are you texting me so late? Did a cat climb on your roof and wake you up or something?

Sodapop: well let's just say I took advantage of you not having a bedtime LOL

Steve: oH WOW

Steve: hey I got a pickup line

Steve: it's really heartwarming

Steve: Are you my bedtime?

Steve: Because I would never take advantage of you :)

Sodapop: alright good night xD

Steve: nO

Steve: no IM SORRY lMao

Steve: i'LL tAKE yOu oN a dAte

Sodapop: x)

Steve: Okay but really

Steve: Were you mad at me for something?

Steve: earlier? Because we haven't gone out in like a month? :(

Sodapop: Mad? Did I sound mad?

Sodapop: I'm sorry :((

Steve: I don't know. I guess I read into it.

Sodapop: No not at all

Sodapop: I almost lost my keys the other day, and I had a small meltdown. Maybe it was that. I'm sorry xD

Steve: AW NO WAY. Don't apologize! ヾ(。>﹏<。)ノ゙

Steve: I thought I lost my wallet

Steve: But I was literally holding it

Sodapop: That happened to me once

Steve: hey I think I accidentally dirtied my shirt babe

Steve: Can you help me clean it?

Sodapop: Sure I'll type out what you need to do

Sodapop: But what kind of stain is it?

Steve: I think I'll get more clarification if I call you

Sodapop: Okay

Steve: great ;)

sent 2:41am





"Why are you laughing?"

"Because you're whispering"


"Steve, I don't think I've ever heard you whisper before"

"But you've heard me talk"

"It's not the same, sweetheart, do you know what whispering apart from talking sounds like?"

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