Group Chat (11)

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Darry: I'm ordering pizza, does anyone want a specific kind?

Two-Bit: nah

Sodapop: as long as theres breadsticks

Steve: I agree

Ponyboy: um I do

Darry: what is it?

Ponyboy: everything but the little fishies

Sodapop: pfftt

Two-Bit: oh my gosh hahaha

Steve: srsly?

Dally: XD

Ponyboy: Yes

Darry: aren't they called anchovies

Steve: I think so

Two-Bit: I'm outta here

Sodapop: I'm gonna wait for the breadsticks

Johnny: what on earth are you guys talking about

Ponyboy: nothing too interesting. How are you baby?

Johnny: good :)

Ponyboy: that's good :D

Johnny: :D

Ponyboy: :D

Johnny: I love you <33

Ponyboy: I love you too <3333

Johnny: please come to the lot <3333

Ponyboy: I'll meet you there <33333

Sodapop: Pony ¬_¬

Ponyboy: hm?

Sodapop: be back by 7

Ponyboy: ok

Sodapop: 7 PM

Ponyboy: ok

Sodapop: SEVEN PM

Ponyboy: ok


Ponyboy: Ok

Sodapop: 7

Ponyboy: OKAY

Sodapop: theres a good boy. Now go run to your johnnycake

Steve: geez

Sodapop: hi darling

Steve: :>

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