Chapter 2-he was shot

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My parents left yesterday to go to the Capitol, I miss them already, it's not that sonny is being a pain or anything, that's not really possible and it's not that we haven't been on our own this long, it's just that the idea of the Capitol scares me and I don't know why. I've never actually been to the Capitol before but from what I've heard about what they did, it doesn't sound very nice, or fun, they say the people there dress oddly and act oddly, but I'm not the judging type, so enough about the Capitol, "forest?"

"Yes honey?"

"Can we visit Haymitch and Effie now?"

"Sonny I don't think they're home yet"

"Can we just go check? please?"

I drag my self off the couch where I was reading a book, "ok, let's go get some warm clothes on then"

We go to the front door and put on boots, jackets and hats. two minutes later we're knocking on Haymitch's front door, no-one answers so we knock again, then we here sirens, we turn to see an ambulance pull up in the victor's village, they push past us and enter the house without looking at each other we both follow them, we get to the living room to find Haymitch motionless on the floor and Effie over the top of him balling, I run over to Effie and grip her shoulders she looks up at me with tears in her eyes, "Effie? what happened?" she sits up reavling a gunshot wound through Haymitch's stomach, "he was shot"

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