Chapter 8- the hospital

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The devil walks proudly into the Justice building, with him inside it, it won't be doing anyone justice, how could anyone be so twisted? so totally awful? so- "Forest?" I turn and see my sister with dirt covered tear stains striped down her cheeks, "yes?" I say softly, to utterly exhausted to keep my voice strong and steady, "could we go and visit Haymitch in hospital now?" I'm just about to answer when a peacekeeper grabs my arms and cuts through the rope, just as the ropes touch the dirt beneath our feet he drops our bag of belongings we had collected from the house at my feet, I look up to mumbled my thanks to him when he turns his back and struts in the opposite direction, how rude! I think staring at his pearly white suited back as he walks down the muddy lane, I have a sudden urge to pick up a clump of mud and pitch it at his spotless attire, but I refrane from doing anything irrational, I take Sonny by the hand and we march towards the hospital, out of the corner of my eye I see Sonny glance up at me, I turn my head properly and give her what I hope is a cheery smile, although I have a feeling I failed, we get to the hospital doors and I take a deep breath, I have been here on countless occasions, and I don't have particularly good memories of thus place, I've been here for Sonny's birth, mom and Sonny both nearly died, a number of broken bones and deep cuts, but also I had to come here for a much worse reason, it started at school in grade 9, my boyfriend was jealous of my friend Rory, I'd been hanging out with him quite a bit and Leon, my boyfriend, thought I was being disloyal, one day he caught me and Rory hugging, he got angry really angry, he started screaming abuse at Rory, I yelled back saying there was nothing going on with Rory and I, we were just friends and nothing was going on between us, then he started yelling at me, that I was the worst girlfriend in Panem, and worse, then Rory hit him, but Leon is much bigger and hit him back, I screamed at them to stop, I started to cry, begging for them to stop, Rory was struggling, one more blow and he would be toast, Leon was about to finish him off and I threw myself in front of Rory, taking the full impact of the blow, I went flying and hit a brick wall, I nearly died, Leon scarpered, and Rory stayed, but because he was the only one there, they blamed him, he never spoke to me after that, and two weeks later, he drowned, he might of done it on purpose, but no one can be certain, Sonny and I walk along endless white corridors, we ask a lady at a desk if she could direct us to Haymitch's ward and she shows us were to go on a map, we thank her and go down several more corridors until we get to ward B7 we knock and we here a voice invite us in, we walk quietly inside and shut the door behind us, we see Effie sitting beside Haymitch, she has fat salty tears running down her face, "Effie?" she looks up and gives us a sad smile, "we saw" she whispers, "well, I saw" she says, looking sadly at Haymitch's limp body, lying still, I nod, "so you know about the...." I don't finish the sentence, I don't think I can, she nods, we stand quietly for a while, I watch Haymitch's unsteady breathing, suddenly a nurse comes in, "terribly sorry to interrupt but we have some news on the patients condition".

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