chapter 28- as the sun warms your face

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We stay inside the Cornucopia for the rest of the night, hidden so that no one sees us and kills us in our sleep, I stay guard while Sonny sleeps, I jump at every sound I hear, my hand steadily on my loaded bow, I am so shaken by what happened to Astrid that I stay awake the hole night without getting even remotely tired, I suppose my adrenaline was pumping or something, but I felt as though there was danger and death surrounding me, at every turn, every where I looked, my stomach constantly in tight knots that just kept getting tighter, I felt like I was going to be sick, it felt like forever until the sun rose, finally I saw the soft glow on the horizon, relief and happiness fills me, I look over at Sonny, apart from a few dirt marks and scratches, she looks exactly the way she did on the morning of the games and the day of the reaping, I smile down at her and my gut squeezes as I hear what sounds a lot like someone's footstep, I look around frantically, what was that? the other boy from two jumps out before I can load my bow, without having to think about it I take a knife from my belt and throw it in his direction, it hits him in the shoulder and he stops for a split second to remove it, worst mistake he could have made, I have embedded another knife in his skull before he can look up, he falls down almost immediately, his head oozing red liquid, I shudder as walk over to him, his eyes are still wide open, saddness fills me, he probably had a family back at his district, someone wo loved him, maybe he even loved someone, the cannon fires, waking Sonny, I hear a small gasp from behind me, I turn and Sonny is sitting up in her sleeping bag, hand over mouth, "it's ok" I tell her, "you have to close his eyes" she states firmly, I look back at the boy, Mitchel, I think his name was, "ok" I reach my hand out shakily, I wipe my hand over his eyelids and they close surprisingly easily, I was expecting them to put up a fight, much like I did with their owner, we move on after that, three more cannons are fired that day, I guess the gamemakers are getting wrestless, we watch the dead tributes pop up on the screen, both from one, the boy from two; of course, when Astrid's picture show's up on the screen, my heart sinks, she's gone, that confirms it, and all of Panem watched her die, and finally the boy from eight, then I did the math, me Sonny and the boy from seven are the only ones left, oh no.


hey guys! well, if you haven't already guessed, you probably have now, that's right, I'm starting the contest! this is the second last chapter of this book! :( So if you can't remember what the rules of the contest are go and read the chapter named THIS IS NOT A CHAPTER, you have three days to get your submissions in, if I don't update by then, I'll try to let you know why but I promise to do my best, so come on guys, get commenting messaging and all thating! good luck everyone! so I have decided that I am going to write a sequel, so you're welcome, that sounded like I'm really full of myself! any way the last thing I'm going to say is good luck.



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