Chapter 13- Haymitch

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They unplugged Haymitch today, we decided to have a funeral in an hour to say our last goodbyes, as two of us children won't be here id we have one later. everyone decided that Haymich would have wanted us to let him, us girls get dresses in long black dresses that reach the floor, I am wearing large black heels and mom is wearing smaller ones, Sonny is wearing beautiful black lace flats and a black bow in her long blonde hair, I am wearing a black hat with a black net veil over my grey eyes, I have left my long black hair loose and cascading down my back, mom has pinned a black flower behind her ear and her hair is done in an updo with curls framing her face, dad walks into the room wearing a black tuxedo and shiny black shoes, his curly blonde hair is combed back neatly and looks like it has some sort of gel in it, "you all look beautiful" he says sadly, "you look handsome to dad" I say, giving him a smile, "are we all ready?" asks mom, we all nod solemnly and mom smiles, "he wouldn't want us to be sad that he died, he would want us to be happy that he lived" she says, squeezing my shoulder, "we know, its just hard not to miss him" says Sonny, "I know, but we have to be strong, for our family, come on, we don't want to be late" is mom's reply, we grab our bags and speeches and exit the house, we start the short walk to the church, we are the third people to arrive, the first two people are Effie and Grandmother, we great them with hugs and kisses and and exchange of sad words, mom starts crying and Grandmother comforts her, "girls" says dad, "Why don't we go and say something to Haymitch?" we nod and dad takes us through to the hall where the ceremony will take place, at the front is a table, on the table is a coffin, the coffin is wide open, we walk towards the coffin and I begin to feel anxious about what I might see, then I realise I'm being stupid, it will be Haymitch, nothing scary, I don't think, dad and Sonny step up to the coffin, and as soon as they do so, burst into tears, now I really am scared, I walk up to the stage and step up, preparing myself, I breathe a sigh of relief when I am greeted with an image of Haymitch, pale, but Haymiych, looking like he has been drinking too much and has passed out, 'coz that is the closest I've come to seeing him asleep, but I imagine this is what he would look like, utterly peaceful, worry free, it's hard to imagine that he isn't there, Sonny decides its too much for her and dad takes her out, I stand there for awhile, and make sure that no one is around, because I feel like this is a personal, private moment, I take the letter I wrote out of my black clutch, I check no one is around one more time and unfold it.

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