Chapter 29- the big finale

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The whole day after I was on edge, will we die at any minute? we were starting to run out of food, maybe we would die of starvation before we killed eachother, I wonder how the boy from seven is still alive? has he actually had kill people? surely, because otherwise how else would he have survived, and how did all the other tributes die? easy. He killed them. We eat the last of our food for breakfast, as there was only a few bites left. "did you hear that?" hisses Sonny, I stop dead in my tracks, is this it? I see him then. Tall, blonde hair, green eyes, handsome. My heart breaks, I gesture for Sonny to follow me, I point up the nearest tree, we have trecked quite faraway from the Cornucopia so the trees offer a lot of protection, adrenline is pumping through every vein in my body, we scramble up the tree as fast as we can, we watch as he seems to wander aimlessly around, like us he doesn't have a goal, he walks out of ear shot but we can still see him clearly, "what are we going to do?" I whisper, Sonny shrugs, we have to kill him, then I see it, the clump of nightlock that is nestled in the tree behind Sonny, if it wasn't for the spiky vine, the berries would look exactly like blueberries, a terrible plan hatched inside of me, I slipped the backpack of my back a set it precariously on my knee, I dug around inside the pack for a bit before I pulled out the parachute out, "what are you doing with that?" hissed Sonny, "you'll see" I say back, I reach behind her and pick off a few nightlock berries off the vine, I insert them into the parachute and close it again, "now we wait" I tell Sonny, "but what about the sound?" asks Sonny, I make the sound by whisltling, since getting the godamn thing the tune had been stuck in my head and I got quite good at replicating it, we watch the boy for a ong time, until finally he moves near us, I drop the parachute and duck back into the cover of the leaves, whisltling the tune, I hear the parachute hit the ground and the boy running towards it, I hear the familiar pop and clutch Sonny's hand tightly, I hold my breath and hear him groan and whisper, "mm, blueberries" the tears start then, I feel terrible, this is different from all the other people I've killed, he thought he was getting a present, but instead he got death, I hear a cough and hear him hit the ground, I jump down from the tree, thinking he was dead, but I should have waited for the cannon, but like the boy from two, one little mistake was my undoing, "did you really think I would fall for your little trick twelve?" I look up in horror, I go to pull a knife from my belt but am too late, he tackles me too the ground before I can dodge, as he does so he plunges the sword through my chest, the last thing I see is Sonny, and the last thing I hear is her scream, I want to tell her that I'm sorry, that I'm sorry I couldn't protect her, but the darkness takes over too quickly and my life is over, in that one split second.


First book on wattpad Finito I don't think that's how you spell it but who cares! So the scores are in and the winner for my first and probably only contest on wattpad is @okaydistrict46! So every one go check her out and read her books they are amazing, and keep and eye out for book two, I will update one more time to tell you the name of the story, so you don't have to go on a wild goose chase! I love you all so much, thank you for reading and helping me reach 1 000 reads!



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