Chapter 21-training

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The games where postponed while I was recovering in hospital, Sonny spent most of the time with me and I'm really glad she did, without her I fear I might have gone mad, when I got out we went to a strange building where they make you look better, they call it the remake centre, when we got there they spread the hot strange smelling stuff on our legs, after that they put paper on it, after the stuff had called they ripped off the paper, leaving my leg stinging like anything, they did this over and over until my legs were numb and throbbing, they also cut my hair and brushed it out 'til it was gleaming, I was then escorted to a small room where I was supposed to meet my stylist, a young woman with deep red hair walks in, she looks similar to the other Capitol people but a little more toned down, "hi I'm Loraille, welcome to the Capitol" I smile at her, "Hi, I'm happy to be here"

"You don't need to pretend with me" I stare at her, not sure what she meant, "excuse me?"

"You hate it here, I mean, you would have to be crazy to want to be here" I look at her and finally crack a smile, "thank you" I whisper, "don't mention it, so, tonight is presentation night, do you know what that is?"

"I've heard about it at school"

"Good, so I already have an idea for you, do you know what your mom wore for her games?" I nod, "well I was thinking we could do something like that, but you and your sister can give the illusion that you are wearing dresses completely out of flames, we can even make the tips of your hair look like they're on fire" I grin at her, "that sounds amazing!" I squeal, the thought of wearing something like that is so exciting I can barely contain it, "yes, that sounds amazing."


Sonny and I are standing in a room surrounded by the other tributes, it's not like we haven't seen the tributes before, when I was let out of the hospital we watched their reapings, in 1 and 2 they looked big and terrifying, but the rest seems fairly normal, the tribute who stuck in my head the most was a young girl, not much older than Sonny, a young boy, the son of a victor, was chosen and she stood up to take his place, the boy looked about Finny's age, she seemed so brave, it ripped my heart to pieces. I spot her now and she smiles at me, I smile back at her, I think her name was Katarina, I think, I turn to Sonny, "I'll be right back" I walk over to her, "hi" I say, "hey" she says back, "your Katarina, right?"

"Right" she says with a laugh, "I saw what you did for that young boy, that was really brave"

"You did it too"

"It's not the same, I knew who he was" she laughs again, "so did I, in district 13 we all know each other" district 13! I couldn't remember which district she was from, "oh"


"Well, I'll see you later" I say turning on my heel, "wait!" she calls, I turn around, "I'm sorry about your mom" she says, I feel hot tears forming in my eyes, "thank you" I choke, I turn quickly and walk back to wear everyone is waiting, "what was that all about?" asks Loraille, "just looking for allies"

"Umm, ok, we had better light you guys up" we climb up into the chariot and Loraille lights our dresses, it's funny, I don't feel anything, next she puts product in the tips of our hair, and lights it, I smile, I don't think I've ever felt more beautiful before, the carriage pulls away suddenly and I get a fright, "look straight ahead, smile, that's it!" Calls Loraille, I clutch Sonny's hand tightly and she squeezes it back, the cheering from the crowd is so great I can hear my ear drums ringing, I continue to smile and I wave every now and then but I hold Sonny's hand throughout the entire time, we come to the end and there is a balcony with a podium, president Snow walks towards the podium, a hatred I can barely contain bubbles up in my chest, threatening to burst out if me like terrifying display of fireworks, but I swallow it down, "tributes! welcome to the glorious city that is the Capitol! we congratulate you on giving the greatest sacrifice anybody could ever give, your life" I clench my fists, a grain of rice away from screaming what I really think, a sudden shout can be heard, "what is the point though? for the Capitol's entertainment? that's rubbish! I say we all refuse to participate, I say-" the gunfire cut her off, one of the tributes from 7, people screamed and she was dragged away by peacekeepers, I wish I could have done something to stop Sonny from seeing that, but it all happened so fast, "attention please!" says Snow, as though nothing had happened, "I think that sums up the parade, so happy Hunger games, and may the odds, be ever in your favour"

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