We meet again

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Hello everyone! Sorry for updating late! I had a busy day today! *Cough* I was playing video games and was on discord. *Cough* you didn't see that. Anyways, hope you enjoy the chapter!

     Y/N's POV

I wake up in a unfamiliar room. I jolt up only to realize I was in a hotel. I look to my left to see Aqua still peacefully sleeping. I got ready by putting on my jeans, white shirt, a f/c hoodie, and some black sneakers. And, of course brushing my hair. I was going to get some breakfast in the lobby when Aqua woke up.

"Morning, Blue. Sleep well?" I ask her in a soft tone. She looks at me rubbing her eyes, obviously still tired.

"Yeah. I did. Where are you off to?" Aqua asked while yawning.

"To get food." I reply simply. Aqua's eyes widened as she grinned a little.

"You had me at food." She jumped out of bed, brushed her hair and threw on the same thing as me, only with a crimson red hoodie and a pair of white shoes. (Sorry if you chose crimson red for your hoodie >w<)

After we were ready, Aqua and I went to the lobby for food. The food was pretty good. I had f/b (Favorite Breakfast) and Aqua had waffles. We paid for the food and went back to our room.

Aqua and I grabbed our stuff and went out to do something. I wonder what adventure today holds for us.

~~Ciel's POV~~

After breakfast I ordered Sebastian to come to my study. I needed to give him a very important order. Sebastian walks in not to long after I called. He bows.

"You called, Young Master?" He straightens his back and stares at me awaiting my response.

"Sebastian, I order you to retrieve those girls yesterday. I think they would be good use here as maids. After all, one is a demon and one is a reaper."

"Yes, my lord." Sebastian bows and leaves my study to retrieve the girls.

~~Sebastian's POV~~ (New pov's :D)

Young master ordered me to get those girls from yesterday. Very wise choice. I jumped from roof to roof to find those girls. I believe their names were Aqua and Y/N. Whatever their names are, I have to retrieve them.

~~Aqua's POV~~ (I'll use you more in later chapters, sorry!)

As Y/N an I were walking, I see someone familiar in the corner of my eye. Raven black hair.... blood red eyes... black suit- OH! The butler from yesterday! He jumps down from the roof... to us? What could he want from two orphan girls?

"Hello, Aqua. Hello, Y/N. I am Sebastian Michaelis, the butler of Ciel Phantomhive you met yesterday." Sebastian says as he bows. So Sebastian is his name.

"Hello Sebastian. What are you doing here?" Y/N asks. She's awfully calm. I wonder if it's because she finds this normal somehow? No clue.

"I came to retrieve you two. Master ordered me to bring you to the manor. He wants to offer you two a job as Phantomhive Manor maids."

"WHAAAT?!!" Y/N and I say at the same time.

"I mean every single word I just said." Sebastian says rather calmly as we stand there jaws open. I was the first one to speak.

"We would love to! Would we stay at the manor?" I ask. Staying at the manor would be nice, mostly because we could eat and sleep for free.

"Yes you would. Now, we must be going. Young master is a very impatient person." Sebastian says. He leads the way to the manor. I can't wait to see what it will look like!


Okay, that's it! Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! Sorry it's short, but it's 12:30 A.M where I live right now. Cya guys next chapter! Buh~Bye! <3

(Edit: I'm cringing at my own writing from before oml help this younger me)

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