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  Hey guys! I'm so so sorry for not updating! I've been busy, but I've decided to update today. I hope you enjoy! ^u^

   ~Y/N's POV~

   As I'm peacefully reading my book, I hear a ringing. I look at the bells to see who is calling this late at night. It was coming from one of the guest rooms. It was Lady Elizabeth. Tonight was her last night, and since she snuck out to see Ciel and me, Paula wasn't here. (Yes, Ciel and me is proper grammar.)

   Sebastian will attend to her. That or Tanka. I think to myself and continue reading.


   I sigh and close my book. I open the door to see Sebastian. "Hello, Sebastian. What might you need?" I ask him. I think I already know what's coming.

   "Lady Elizabeth requests you to attend to her needs." He replies in a soft whisper careful not to wake anyone. I nod and motion him to move. He does just that and walks off to do cleaning or something. I sigh and walk down the narrow halls to Lizzy's room.

   I come to her door and knock lightly. A faint 'come in' was audible from the other side. I open the door to see Lizzy sitting up in bed.

   "You called, Lady Eliz- Lizzy?" I correct myself.

   "I woke up earlier and I can't seem to fall asleep." She says rubbing her eyes. She's tired, but her body won't let her sleep. (Sounds like me, sadly.) "I was wondering... Could you sing me a lullaby? I assume you have a better singing voice than Mister Sebastian..."

   "Of course." I sit down and clear my throat. "This is supposed to be a duet Aqua and I made, but it can word as a lullaby." (Yup, brining the song back again.)

(Disclaimer: This isn't my original song. Also, Imagine the song above only softer and one person singing.)    I begin to sing in a soft voice.

    Tell me your forever mine till' the end of time and the hearts in you and I will never separate.

   When the undying sorrow finally comes for you, I'll never let it take our hearts away.

   ~Mey-Rin's POV~ (Or spelled Mei~Rin.)

   I open my eyes and hear a soft singing coming from the room left to mine. I tip toe over to the door and open it quietly. I walk to the room right of mine-- Finnian's and Bard's room. I knock lightly.

   "Come in..." Came from the other side from a sleepy Finnian. I open the door and step inside.

   "You two hear the singing too, right?" I ask them in a soft whisper. Finny looks around.

   "Now that you mention it, yes I do. It's very lovely." He adds.

   "It sounds like... Y/n. At first I thought it was Aqua, but Y/N's voice is a little higher pitched." Bard says. I look at them both.

   "Thinking what I'm thinking?" I ask. They nod. We all tip toe over to Lady Elizabeth's room. We hear Y/N gently singing. Before we knew it, Tanka, Sebastian, Aqua, and even the Young Master were listening.

   ~Ciel's POV~

   I listen to Y/N softly sing a song to Elizabeth. Sebastian had brought me here and said it was important. I have to admit, Y/N is important to me, so I don't really mind being here.

   Here inside the heart we've ever known.~

   She finishes the last verse. Lady Elizabeth is fast asleep. She sighs slightly.

   "Come on out. I know you all are there." She calls out to us over her shoulder. The three servants tremble from shock leaving Myself, Sebastian, Tanka, and Aqua emotionless.

   "H-how did you know?" Finny asks after Y/n comes out and shuts the door behind her.

   "I have my secrets." Y/n replies. Sebastian slightly smirks.

   Damn demon. He knows and he's going to take this to his advantage. I think to myself.

   "I-it was still lovely, yes it was!" Mey~Rin exclaims quietly.

   "Our song? Classic." Aqua says. "Well, g'night." She says and curtsies to excuse herself.

   "Naturally. It was the first thing that came to mind." Y/n replies. "Well, it's pretty late all of you. You should all head to bed. I think I'll retire as well." She bows and walks off to her room. The servants go to theirs and Sebastian takes me to mine.

   I fall asleep while thinking of
Y/N's singing.


   I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Sorry if it's bad, it's like 12:00 PM where I live. Anyways, I hope today et more updates soon! Cya guys later! Buh~Bye! <3

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