Frightening Storm

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Depending on when I post this, 3 chapters in one week! Wooh! Enjoy! ^-^

~3rd person POV~

Clash! (Lol is that what thunder/lightning sound like?)

Aqua jumps out of terror almost breaking the tea cup she was holding. She shakily puts the tea cup down.


Aqua makes a small scream of terror. Her sister, Y/N, comes in her room.

~Y/N's POV~

I sigh. "It's been awhile since-" Another rumble of thunder could be heard which cut me off. "- We've had a storm this big." I finish. Aqua nods.

"I-I don't like thunder or lightning..." She stutters.


The things in the room shake a bit. Aqua holds on to my hand. "I swear, I'm the older sister out of the both of us. You're still very frightened of thunder and lightning." I tease her.

"N-now is not the ti-" A loud clash, louder than some of the others, cut her off. I sigh.

"Sebastian!" I call. He comes into the room. "You called?"

"Indeed. I know you don't particularly like Grell, but hear me out. As you can see," I say as I point to Aqua, "this one is terrified by lightning. Since I still have things to do, as I assume you do too, we need someone else to comfort her." He nods. "Well, she likes Grell, sooo~"

"I get it. As long as he's only here for the night and or nights that the storm is going on, I'll allow it." He sighs. "Now, if you'll excuse me." He jumps out the nearest window.

Clash! (Lightning. Not the window.)

"Th-thanks... N/N. (Nickname)" Aqua says still hugging on to me for dear life. I smile softly.

"You're welcome, Blue." I reply. "Now if you'll excuse me-"

"NO DON'T LEAVE! T~T" She shouts. I sigh. "Fine. But as soon as Grell gets here I can leave, got it?" She nods.

~El good old time skiperino~

"Darling~ where is my frightened Aqua?" Grell calls when he walks into the door with Sebastian.

"Over here!" I call to Grell. Aqua and I were on the chairs in one of the rooms.


"Eep!" Aqua runs to Grell.

"Aqua, you're too cute." Grell says.

"I have to admit, she is pretty cute when she's scared." I add. Aqua sends me a glare. With the rumble of the thunder, that look was quickly and washed away.

"Come come, let's go to your room." Grell says. As he's going up the stairs, I think. Wait, he has no idea who's room is who. Well, not my problem.

"He has no idea where he's going does he?" I ask Sebastian to confirm.

"No. Not one bit." He replies. I laugh a small bit. "My my, he can be a handful."

"You don't even know." He mumbles.

"By chance, is the young lord in bed? Or is he in his study?" I ask.

Sebastian checks the time. "It's about time for him to retire. Would you like to do it, Y/n? You seem so concerned." He looks at me with a fake 'concerned' look. That could've been enough to make an ordinary girl's heart melt. Not me!

"He's also my young master. I have to be concerned, don't I?" I snap back. He thinks.

"Well, it seems genuine." He replies.

"Just shut it." I reply. I walk to Ciel's study. I knock lightly on the door. I hear a sigh and a slight 'come in.'

I open the door and hear a strike of lightning. This takes me by surprised and I jump a bit. Ciel smirks.

"Ah, I see. You criticize Aqua on being scared of lightning when here you are, jumping to it." He says with an amused face.

"It took me by surprise! I didn't expect another one..." I mumble.

"Well... What are you here for?" Ciel asks finally.

"Ah, yes. I came to tell you it's time to retire." I check the clock on the wall. (If there's not one, shhhh, there's one now.) "Normally Sebastian would do this, but he made me because he said I sounded concerned about you." I complain.

"Concerned? Why so?" Ciel quizzes me.

"Eh? Well I was wondering if you were in bed already or if you couldn't sleep because of the lightning." I laugh softly. "I guess I'm just used to Aqua."

"I see." Ciel replies as he gets up. "If it's time to retire, I assume you will be the one escorting me?" I nod. We walk down the long, narrow corridors to his bedroom.

   We finally reach the door to his room and I open it for him. I do the usual routine Sebastian does to get Ciel prepared for bed. I look at him one last time and blow out the candle.

   "Good night, Ciel." I whisper to him and close the door.

   "Good night, Y/N." I can hear him faintly whisper. I smile a small bit. With that, I head off to Aqua's room to see if she's alright.

   Cue the ending theme! Hello all of you! Sorry for not publishing for days. I've been on vacation and stuff. I hope you understand. Cya guys later! Buh~Bye, Darlings! <3

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