Birthday Surprise ~Part 1~

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   Hey guys! I've bee thinking on why Lizzy should visit. (Yes I didn't plan ahead of time.) I've decided it's going to be your birthday. Keep in mind, it is not my birthday.

   Buuut~ since it's your birthday, I did nothing but write this chapter! I was gonna do a face reveal, but I'd rather not for now. Also, sorry for not updating! On with the story!

   ~~Y/N's POV~~

   I stretch and yawn as I get up. (It's the next day) I decided to get ready for the day. Sebastian should come to give me my schedule in about an hour.

  I take a shower and get my maid outfit on. I was able to steal my maid crown back from Aqua, so I put that on too.

  6:55 The clock read. I still have 5 minutes. I decide to read a book.

  ~20 minute time skip~

  Odd... I've been reading for over 5 minutes for sure, yet I don't hear Sebastian.

  Knock knock

   Was Sebastian LATE? THE SEBASTIAN? Or did he change the schedule-giving-times?

   "Come in!" I call to the person behind the door. Sebastian walks in.

   "Y/N, your schedule for today has altered a small bit. Young master wants you to fetch a couple of things." Sebastian states.

  "Why me? You're always the one going out..." I ask him puzzled.

  "It's the Young Master's orders. We don't question." He's not wrong, so I stay quiet. "After you're done running  errands, Lady Elizabeth wants you to go dress shopping with her."

   "Odd schedule. I guess it's Young Master's and Lady Elizabeth's orders." I didn't argue. This was a job that provided a place to stay, food, and it has my closest friends.

  "Get to it soon, please." Sebastian says as he leaves. By soon, I knew he meant now, so I decided to go quickly. I grab the money along side the list  Sebastian left me.

   I scoffed. "A couple of things... This is way more than a couple. Oh well." I started to head out. Interesting day it's going to be.

    ~~Sebastian's POV~~

   I walk to Ciel's study. I knock. A faint 'come in' was heard. I come in to see Lady Elizabeth beaming while Ciel is his normal self.

   "I told Y/N her schedule. I've also handed out the invites to everyone requested." I report. Ciel had planned a birthday surprise for Y/N. Ah, young love.

   "Good. Now, please go set up the decorations." He orders. I bow.

   "Yes, My Lord." I answer.

    "Oh! May I help, Mister Sebastian?" Elizabeth asks. I look at Ciel. He shakes his head as a signal of 'no.'

    "My apologizes, Lady Elizabeth. I'm required to do this on my own. Maybe next time?" She looks down obviously a little upset.

    "I understand." She looks back up smiling. "Just make sure to make it perfect!" I chuckle.

    "You shouldn't expect nothing less than perfect." I then walk out of the room closing the door behind me.

   Luckily I got supplies earlier. They were f/c and s/f/c {second favorite color} decor. Time to set it up.

   ~~Y/N's POV~~
Also time skip!

   I sigh as I finally finish running the errands. I come back to the manor greeted by Finny. He takes my bags inside and tells me to wait for Lady Elizabeth. I do as told and wait for her.

   ~~Lizzy's POV~~ (new pov's :D)

  She's here! I walk as run as fast as I can to the door, being careful I don't slip. I open the door to find Y/n waiting for me with a carriage.
(A/n:Shhh, Sebastian set it up)

   "Ready to go, Lady Elizabeth?" She asks politely.

   "Yes I am! Also, one more thing." She looks at me with a patient smile. "Call me Lizzy, silly!" She nods her head.

  "Yes, miss. May I ask, where is Paula?" Y/N looks around.

   "She's off to help Sebastian do some chores. I trust you to be by me side!" I smile and give her a closed eye smile.

  We then get in the carriage off to shop for a dress. A party dress for her birthday.

    To be continued...

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