Taking it 'easy' - A vistor

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  ~~Y/N's POV~~

  I woke up early today. I can still feel Ciel's arms around me. He was gripping me tightly. Like a kid was scared to loose a favorite toy. I eventually get out of his grip without waking him up. I smile at his sleeping figure.

   I decide to change in my bathroom just in case. As I'm changing, I realize I don't have my maid crown-like-thing. (Idk what it's call, don't hate me ;-; ) I sigh. Aqua must've stole it because she didn't have hers. I grab my flower crown (picture above) and go to brush my hair.

Hopefully Sebastian won't punish me for not having the exact attire.

  I then walk out of the room to find Sebastian. He has my schedule for the day. I was suppose to take it 'easy.' Yeah, no. I'm going to do my normal schedule.

  I finally find Sebastian in the kitchen. "Morning, Sebastian." I greet him.

   "Good morning miss, Y/N." He replies without looking up from making Ciel's breakfast. "Today Master has wanted you to take it easy today due to the events of last night. All you need to do is wake up Master, help Finny with the garden, bring Master his afternoon tea,and wash the dishes."

   "Okay." I reply. Hopefully he doesn't know about my plans. I was about to walk out before Sebastian spoke again.

  "Oh, and I'll be keeping an eye on you. He truly is worried about you." He says with a smirk. I may haven't been able to see his face, but I could just feel him smirking.

  "Alright. I'll be off to wake up Master." I say while excusing myself with a bow.

   I walk over to my room to see Ciel sleeping peacefully. Shit, I need to dress him if I wake him up. Dammit Sebastian. I sigh and open the curtains.

  "Time to wake up, Young Master. I say as I walk over to the bed.

  "Se...bastian?" He asks still half asleep.

   "Far from him. Hint, you slept with me last night." I say teasingly. His eyes widen at this.

   "O-oh..." He's stutters, waking up fully.

    "My apologies, I forgot your clothing. I'll be back in about a minute." I say to him bowing.

   I walk out to my room, and as I promised, I came back in a minute. He hangs his feet off the bed.

"Oh, Y/N, your flower crown looks beautiful on you." Ciel says blushing and looking away.

  "Thank you, Master." I reply blushing a bit myself.

  I started to undress him, trying not to show my blush. I could tell he was blushing too. I finish soon after and escort him to breakfast. Today was going to be a long day without barely anything to do.

   Le time skip brought to you by you in a flower crown! <3

   Just as I expected, I got scolded by Sebastian for wearing a flower crown.

   "Aqua stole mine though! I had nothing else to wear!" I complain.

   "That's no excuse." He replies calmly.

   "Hmph, but daaaad!" I say less seriously.

   "I'm not your father." He replies. But then he smirks. "But," oh god I messed up. "If I am, go do your chores."

  I smirk back. "Fine, DAD." I say as walk away.

   "Sebastian, I thought that was our thing!" I hear Aqua pout from behind me. Sebastian just chuckles.

   "Apparently I'm both of your father now." He says. I just grin a small bit.

  I prepare Ciel's afternoon tea. I push the cart to his study and knock on the door. No response. I open the door softly. I see Ciel sleeping on his desk. I chuckle a small bit.

  But then I realized. The tea would go to waste. :(

  Poor Ciel, he must be staying up due to his paperwork. I pick him up and bring him to his room.

  "Whatcha doing?" Aqua asks from behind me. I jump a small bit.

   "Well, Ciel fell-"


(Guess who's back, back again, Lizzy's back, tell Ciel. )

  "AH!" Ciel, Aqua, and I all say at the same time.

  "Uh... Morning?" I say looking down at him awkwardly.

   "Why are you holding me?" Ciel asked, obviously not knowing he fell asleep.

  "SO CUUUUUTE!" Lizzy practically screams.

  "Glad to see you too, Lizzy." Aqua says.

   "Well, you fell asleep, and I was going to bring you to your room... But yeah..." I say awkwardly.

   "Put me down!" Ciel demands.

  I was going to drop him and say, 'You told me to put you down,' but Sebastian would KILL me.

  "Yes, Master." I put him down gently.

   "Lady Elizabeth, why are you here?" Ciel asks. They weren't engaged anymore, so I was confused too.

  "You didn't hear? I was coming over for a week!" She says.

  "My apologies Lady Elizabeth." I say bowing. "We didn't hear about your arrival."

  "Oh please, just call me Lizzy! Also, that flower crown is so cute, Y/N!"  She says merrily.

   "As you wish, Lizzy. Also, thank you." I say. "I'll set up your room right away." I say excusing myself. I was still puzzled on why Lizzy was here. And why now?

  I then walk off to set up a room for her. Then a thought hit me.

  Where the HELL is Sebastian and the other Servants?


  Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! My class has gotten a project we need to work on, so I'm sorry if I don't update for awhile. Anyways, Cya guys! Buh-Bye! <3

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