Meeting Lizzy - Heartbroken

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~~Y/N's POV~~ (Same day as last chapter)

As I'm pouring Young Master's Earl Gray afternoon tea, I hear a very high pitched voice. Higher than Mei~Rin's.

"CIIIEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLL!!!" It called. Then a pink blur came running through the door in Master's study and hugged him.

"AH GOD! WHO IS THAT?" I asked startled. I nearly spilled his tea. ;(

"I'm Elizabeth Midford! Ciel's fiancé! You can just call me Lizzy though!" Elizabeth says cheerily. Ciel's Fiancé! Those words rang in my ears.

"H-His fiancé?!" I ask heartbroken.

"Yup!" Lizzy says. Elizabeth? More like Elizabitch.

"I-I have to go..." I say running out of the room with tears in my eyes. He had a fiancé this whole time... What a fool to think he actually liked me.

Aqua saw me crying running through the halls. She was with a red head. Must be a guest.

~~Grell's POV~~

As Aqua and I are heading to the garden, a little girl with h/c hair runs by. She was crying while running through the halls.

"Who's that?" I ask curiously.

"My sister Y/N." Aqua replies. She mumbled something I couldn't hear. "I'll be back... Wait in the garden for me."

"Okay, Darling!~"

~~Aqua's POV~~

"Who's that?" Grell asks.

"My sister Y/N. I swear to god if he hurt her." I mumbled the last part. "I'll be back... Wait in the garden for me."

"Okay, Darling~" Grell replies as cheery as ever.

I run down the halls to Master's study.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO Y/N?!" I ask. I'm a little over protective.

"I-I did nothing." He replies. He's probably scared from how mad I am.

"Who else could have made her cry?! She was in here to give you your damn tea, and then she runs out in tears. HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO BELIEVE YOU DIDN'T HURT HER ONE WAY OR ANOTHER?!" I yell at him. I then notice a girl with curly blonde hair with a pink dress. "Who's she?"

"Elizabeth Midford! You can call me Lizzy for short! I'm Ciel's Fiancé!" MY EARS ARE BLEEDING. HER VOICE SO HIGH PITCHED! Wait... Fiancé? No wonder why she was in tears...

I walk up to Ciel and whisper in his ear so only he can hear, "You bastard." I walk out to go find Y/N.

~~Ciel's POV~~

"You bastard." Aqua then walks off to find Y/N most likely.

"Lizzy, there's something I want to tell you." I say. (You're a bitch :D Jk jk)

"What is it Ciel?"

"I want to call off the engagement. I found that I love someone else... I'm sorry Lizzy." I say as soft as I could. She had tears in her eyes.

"I-I understand... As long as you're h-happy... I'll be t-taking my leave." She says as she runs out of the manor.

Time to find Y/N...


I promised you guys another chapter, so here it is! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry it's a little short too, but it's 2:00 AM where I live. So, I'm tired. Cya guys! Buh~Bye! <3

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