Romantic Cruise. Part numbero uno

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(My cat, Finny, above. My cinnamon roll <3) Hello everyone! Sorry for not updating. I've had a small writers block, but I'm back! Enjoy El story!♡

~~Y/N's POV~~

I was attending duties as usual. Helping Finny (no not my cat, sadly) with the garden, cleaning with Aqua, making sure Ciel is pleased with the work we have been doing and such. It was a normal day. No requests or anything. Well, it was normal until Sebastian came up to me.

He taps my shoulder and I look over. He had a solemn face, though some how still soft looking in a way. (No not as in texture ye' nasties.) "What is it, Mr. Sebastian?" I ask him. It better not be something about a death...

"The queen of England has another mission for us three and young lord. As you should know by now, you shall be accompanying us on every mission. Including this one," Sebastian explains. I nod. "Now, please find miss Aqua whilst I pack necessary things for the trip."

"Woah woah woah, you're packing Aqua and my things? I'd rather pack my own things--" I cut myself off in realisation, "WAIT WE'RE PACKING NECESSARY THINGS FOR A TRIP? WHERE AND HOW LONG?" I practically screech due to excitement.

"No shit Sherlock." I hear a familiar voice. I turn around to find Aqua standing there. (Was Sherlock a thing in the Victorian era? When Black Butler wad set?)

"Language, Aqua." Sebastian scolds. Aqua pouts. He turns to me and answers my question, "We will be going to be going on a cruise due to the resent murders happening on that cruise ship. The maximum length of of us being there is 2 weeks."

"What about the others? How ate we sure they won't burn the bloody manor down?" Aqua pushes. Sebastian shakes his head.

"They're coming with us. The manor should be in good condition this way for sure." He replies.

"One last question," I say. Sebastian looks at me. "Can we pack our own bags?" He chuckles and nods in agreement. With that, Aqua and I were off.

-el time skip brought to you by chocolates

--Y/N's POV --

I sigh and look out the carriage windows. We've been in here for hours. I didn't know the dock was so far from the manor. Aqua, who was across from Ciel and me, was asleep. Or, I think she is. (Again, Ciel and me is proper grammar. If you ever see a character and then "me" following after, just know it's proper.)

It is kind of amusing to watch Ciel try to stay awake. He kept fluttering his eyes closed and then open again. I finally just got bored of watching him fail and say something.

"Ciel, you're welcome to sleep on my shoulder or my lap. You seem to be having a hard time there." I say to him. He blushed a bit and lays down.

"Don't tell anyone, Y/N. Goes for you too, Aqua." He says tired. Aqua perks her head up a bit and nods. Soon after, they're both asleep.

No point of trying to entertain myself now. Might as well fall asleep as well. I think. I sigh and look at Ciel's doll like features. I smile and kiss is forehead. I see his small lips form a bit into a smile before I fall in a dreamless sleep.

--El second time skip brought to you by scenery!--

-- Aqua's POV -- (Woah, Aqua gets a POV in this chapter. Technology.)

I wake up and yawn. The weirdest dream ever that I've had was in this carriage. Sebastian and Ciel were in the same bed in the manor and Sebastian kept falling off while sleeping, leaving me to put him back. (ACTUALLY DREAMT THAT ONCE ONLY THEY WERE IN MY BED. HELP)

Anyways, when I woke up, I saw the tables have turned. Y/N was sleeping on Ciel's lap while his head rested against the window. The slightly disturbing part was that Y/N's head was facing down. Somewhere where it shouldn't be. I hold in my slightly disturbed yet not laughter.

I wake up Ciel first... By poking him. "Young lord, hey. Hey. Ciel. Wake up." He groans and looks at me.

"What is it, Aqua?" He asks tired. I point down. He looks... and as soon as he does, he starts freaking out.

OOH DEAR GOD, HIS REACTION WAS PRICELESS. I kept laughing as quietly add I could, tears threatening to come out. Ciel was panicking quietly so he didn't wake her up.

"O-Oh my lord. That *wipes tear and stops laughing* w-was priceless!" I choke out. Ciel scoffs, bright faced. And yet, Y/N is still asleep.

Man, this is going to be one hell of a trip. Wait until Sebastian hears this!


Eh? Eh? Like it? I know, I know, I got a little out of hand. But, the story needs something, doesn't it? I hope you all enjoyed! Cya all later! Buh~Bye, darlings. ♡ <3

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