Aqua's Birthday Surprise

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Hello everyone! Sorry for not updating lately, it was by birthday on the 20th.(Hints the chapter name) I had a party and sleepover, so it's kinda hard to update. Anyways, on with the story! *determined cat face* =☆w☆=

~~Y/N'S POV~~ (Date: October 20th whenever the year is in the show)

I get up from a sleepless night on my bed excited knowing that it's my sister's birthday. She already planned my birthday with Ciel, so it's time for me to plan hers with none the less then, Sebastian Michaelis. I get ready quickly, so quickly that I bump into Sebastian on the way out of my room.

I catch myself before Sebastian can. "My my, you're awfully happy today." He says with a chuckle. I grin a small bit and nod eagerly. I must've looked like a child who just got a new toy they wanted for forever.

"Today is Aqua' s birthday and I need you to help me plan it! Grell and Aqua already did something for me, so this is my gift!" He nods in agreement. Sebastian and I start setting up before Aqua wakes up.

We ended up putting crimson red and white decorations around since those are her favorite colors. I baked the cake and did the dishes for the celebration while Sebastian set up the decorations.

7:30 Am.

I look at the clock and see that Aqua is supposed to wake up soon. Knowing her, we still have a bit of time since she sleeps in and takes a long time to get ready.

I wake up Ciel early and tell him what's going on. He nods a small bit and sighs. "Are we having a party?" He asks. (That almost auto corrected to Asia-Pacific LOL) I shake my head 'no' and dress him.

7:45 Am.

Ciel is talking to Sebastian while I find Mey~Rin, Bard, and Finny. Once i got everyone together, like she's on que, Aqua comes down the stairs and gasps at the sight. The servants, including Sebastian and me, shout Happy Birthday. Well, Sebastian says it normally. (Yes, Sebastian and me is proper grammar.)

Aqua covers her mouth with her hand with a giant smile. She runs up to me and hugs. Tightly. I cough to signify I need air. She's doesn't get the hint.

"Bl...ue *cough* AIR." I choke out. She lets go of me, embarrassed. She nods as a sorry.

"Thank you so much, Y/N!" She exclaims as if she were a 5 year old girl. "Thanks, but Sebastian should get some credit, too." I reply. She then did th unexpected. She actually hugged THE Sebastian Michaelis. Even he was taken aback.

"My my, darling. I thought you liked me instead of Bassy!" Grell says as he bursts through the door. Sebastian smirks.

"Jealous much?" Sebastian asks teasingly. Aqua lets go and apologizes. She also glares at Sebastian a bit for teasing Grell.

~~♡El time skiperino brought to you by no idea on what to write for activities!♡~~

~Y/N' s POV~

We all went into the kitchen after activities. It was time for cake. I made a two tier drip cake for Y/N knowing there was going to be all of us, including Ciel, Grell, Ronald, and even William, I made it extraordinary. (Picture below was not made by me... Sadly.)

We all had some cake

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We all had some cake. Well, except Sebastian. He doesn't really have a taste for sweets. Everyone seemed to enjoy it. Especially Ciel. I giggle at him. He shoots me a look and I straighten up with a straight face.

Soon after Blue (Aqua) opened her presents. Everyone left shortly after that. Everyone that had visited of course... Except Grell.

"Oh, darling,~" Grell calls as Aqua looks over, "I still have one present for you."

I freeze in my tracks and smirk. I quickly gather the others to listen in. "What is it, Grell?" She asks.

"Well, it's quite embarrassing actually..." He says looking down. He takes a deep breath. "Aquadarlingwillyougooutwithme?" He asks. I heard perfectly fine and was smiling a lot. Aqua on the other hand needed him to repeat.

"Aqua... darling, w-will you go out with Me? O-on a... date?" He asks nervously. She went instantly red. I was containing my proud-of-sister laughter, Mey~Rin and Finny were dying of nosebleeds, Bard wasn't there because he was done with their crap, and Sebastian was smirking.

"Y-yes..." Aqua responds quietly. I come out of hiding and start laughing. Proud laughter.

"O-OH MAN THAT," I wipe a tear from laughter, "- THAT TOOK YOU WAY TOO LONG, GRELL."

Grell looks away and 'hmphs.' With a hairflip. "At least I did it before that brat with y--" I cut him off.

"SHUT IT LIVING TOMATO OR I'LL CUT YOUR HAIR." I yell blushing. Sebastian chuckled while Aqua giggled.

"L-LIVING TOMATO. I LOVE IT." Aqua says while giggling. Grell pouts. "Aww, but you're my living tomato." She says and boops his nose.

"Get a room, won't ya'?" Bard says walking out.

This isn't going to end well for Bard.


Hello Everyone! I hope you enjoyed that chapter! Sorry for slow updates! Ima working on it. Anyways, I don't have much to say... Sooo, cya guys later! Buh~Bye, Darlings! <3 ♡

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