Lessons in bullying

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"El Wheeler!" the teacher said loudly, gaining everyone's attention, firstly to him and then, as one, their heads swiveled around to look at El.

She looked up, not understanding why everyone was staring at her, and not enjoying this level of scrutiny.

"I asked you to name at least three of the allied countries in World War II, and you ignored the question" he stated, "so, answer the question and I'll see you after school about my expectations in class."

El hung her head low, looking at her hands in her lap, and muttered something.

"Speak up, I don't tolerate mumbling in my class" he said, starting to look angry.

"I don't know the answer" she said quietly, still not looking up.

Mr Smyth sighed loudly, the rest of the class just watched with interest, smirks breaking out among them. As a new teacher, My Smyth was an unknown quantity and El was clearly already testing his limits. Pinching the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger he said "ok...tell me one of the allied countries in WWII."

El closed her eyes tight momentarily, wishing Max hadn't been called to help out in the library, before looking up and saying "I...I don't know what World War II is...or was..."

Mr Smyth looked her in the eyes for a few seconds, trying to work out if she was telling the truth or pushing his buttons, trying to get a rise out of the new teacher. She didn't strike him as the usual class clown or trouble maker, but he'd been wrong before, and who the hell knows that little about the subject. "Answer the question" he said through gritted teeth. The tension in the room was palpable, the smirking had been replaced by open mouths, ready for whatever was going to happen next between the quietest girl in school and the new guy, keen to establish himself.

El lowered her head and shook it 'no'.

"Get. Up."

Everyone felt uncomfortable, even those who usually made fun of her felt bad.

He looked around the classroom and spied what he needed in the corner. "In the cupboard, you can stay in there for the rest of the lesson and contemplate the pointlessness of messing about in my class. It will not be tolerated" he stated loudly for the benefit of everyone.

El stood and slowly walked to the cupboard door. She'd been inside a few times to retrieve supplies for the class, and knew it to be relatively roomy, but the idea of being shut inside brought back the memories she'd spent ages trying to forget. She started shaking slightly, "p...please sir" she begged, looking at him with pleading eyes.

He second guessed his decision for only a second before grabbing her shoulder firmly and making her go in. She turned immediately, willing to plead with him, but he shut the door before she could say a word.

The only light in the cupboard came from the outline of the poorly fitting door, as El's eyes adjusted gradually she could feel her heart thumping in her chest, louder and faster, faster and louder. Her whole body started shaking as she backed into the wall and slid down to the floor, her hands running through her hair, eventually stopping to grab clumps of it, trying to keep herself grounded in reality, not wanting to slip into the stream of consciousness running just below the surface, the stream containing the memories of her childhood punishment, of being shut in the dark, isolated, alone, afraid.


Knock knock.

"Hi sir, sorry I'm late, I got called to help out in the library" explained Max.

"Ok, take a seat, we're on page 89, looking at World War II and the allied countries. Answer questions 1 to 4 at the bottom once you've read the page" Mr Smyth explained.

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