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A/N second update of today...if you want another, let me know...

Knock knock Max heard at her bedroom door. Wondering who it could be she opened it without a second thought and immediately regretted it.

"Hey Max, long time no see" spat Billy with a venomous look on his face. Max tried to shut the door but he was too strong and easily pushed her aside.

"W...what are you doing here?" stuttered Max.

"What's the matter Max? Aren't you glad to see your brother home?"

She didn't dare answer.

"I was only in juvy until the judge heard the preliminary didn't even get that far, the stupid bitch decided not to go through with it...seems to be a bad habit of hers" he said with a single laugh, disgusting Max. "Shame" he added mockingly, "so, what did I miss here then, in this great backwater shithole of a town?"

Max shook her head, indicating nothing of note.

Falling back and lying on her bed, "pfft, this place is so fucking boring, right?!" he said, a statement more than a question. She half-nodded, half-shrugged, not wanting to piss him off. "How are your friends?" he asked, changing tack completely.

Max didn't have a clue where this conversation was going as he never usually asked her anything personal or out of interest for her, "they're good, thanks."

"Your friend El..."

"What about her?" she quickly said, cutting him off.

He raised his head from the bed and looked at her with an emotion she couldn't place. "Nothing" he finally replied smirking. "And those weirdos you hang around with...bit fucking strange aren't they...if you know what I mean?"

"Not really, no" she answered.

"Hmm, and El's sister, Nancy...she still around?" he asked, too casually.

Oh right, I see. "For a while, she'll be going back to college at some point." She watched as his expression darkened, recognizing the look she felt the familiar panic inside.

"Those boys, you should stay away from them" he stated.

"Why?" she couldn't help but ask, knowing she'd probably regret it she continued "they're just friends, they wouldn't do anything or try it on."

"Oh, I know, that's the issue, don't you think?" Max just looked confused and shook her head, which for some reason pissed Billy off no end. Leaping off the bed he grabbed her by the neck and forced her back against the wall, "stay away from those fags, no-one in my family talks to people like that, got it?!" Max nodded as best she could whilst being held by the throat. "Just a little cautionary tale, I caught my cousin hanging around a little fag last year...apparently someone convinced the fairy that they were a worthless piece of shit who should kill themselves...and they listened" he grinned evilly at that last statement and Max felt sick. Letting her go, he left and went to his own room and put his music on loudly, providing much needed cover for the sobs now emanating from Max.


"Hi Max" greeted El with her usual smile.

"Oh, um, hi El" replied Max nervously, Billy's words repeating in her mind constantly. El frowned at her slightly, picking up on Max's uncertainty, and was about to say something when the rest of the gang rounded the corner.

"Hey Max, El" echoed the guys in unison.

"Hey" she replied, glad of the distraction. She knew that El was still looking at her trying to figure out what was wrong, four words telling El that Max was not ok.

"Hi" El said to the boys, finally looking away from Max.

The end of the day couldn't come soon enough for Max, she'd been trying to avoid El all day knowing that she would ask what was wrong. Max knew that El would never use her abilities to look into her mind, she'd promised and that meant everything to El, but Max also knew that El didn't need to look, she already knew something was wrong.

"Hey Max, wait up" she heard as she readied her skateboard. Sighing, she reluctantly turned around and mustered up a smile. She watched as the rest of the gang, including El, approached. "Where're you running off to so fast, we've barely seen you all day?" said Dustin.

"Ok, one, I'm not running off, I'm skateboarding" stated Max, buying time to think of a believable excuse, "and two, mom wanted me home asap today, no idea why." Yeah, sounds ok she tried to reassure herself. Glancing at the faces in front of her she could see that all but one of them was convinced, all but El who was looking at the ground sadly. I'm sorry El...she thought, almost hoping that El would break her promise and be able read her thoughts.

"Ok" said Dustin cheerily, "but we're still on for tomorrow, right?" Max clearly looked nonplussed so Dustin continued, "movie night at Mike's" he said, rolling his eyes.

She couldn't help but laugh slightly, "yeah, I'll be there" she said.

"Cool" said Lucas, "come on guys, race you" he continued.

"What's the prize?" asked Will.

"Uhhhh...oh oh oh, winner chooses pizza topping tomorrow" said Mike excitedly.

"Yeyasss" they all said, laughing.

Max watched them as they messed about getting their bikes ready for 'the big race', El just watched Max. She watched as Max's face fell as she saw a blue truck drive past the school car park entrance, slowing down for a few seconds as an unseen driver surveyed the group. "Shit" Max mumbled, recognising Billy's truck, knowing that he'd seen her with the boys. She looked around in panic and locked eyes with a concerned El.

"Max" she said gently.

Opening her mouth to say something more Max cut her off, "I gotta go, bye" she said quickly, not allowing El to continue. She jumped on her skateboard and kicked off hard.

"Oh, bye Max!" Dustin shouted, "you racing El?" he asked.

She shook her head no, "I'll see you all later" she said quietly, "good luck Mike" she added, winking at her adopted brother.


Max boarded home as fast as possible, not really knowing what she would achieve by doing so. Fuck fuck fuck, why'd he have to drive by and see me with them? she asked herself.

She cursed more when she reached home and saw his truck outside. Hesitating outside the door she decided to go to for a walk instead, but as she turned the door opened and a strong hand yanked her into the house by her hoodie. Before a word was even said she felt a hand strike her face and she fell to the floor, landing painfully on her arm.

"I told you Max, no one in my family hangs around with fags...and right now, you're family, so you do as I say, am I clear?"

Max was still on the floor, curled up in a ball and trying not to cry too loudly.

Billy, angry that she didn't answer straight away, stood over her and kicked her in the stomach, "Am. I. Clear?" he repeated.

"Yes" she managed to say through her pain and tears.

"Now get the fuck out of my sight, and I'd better not hear your pathetic crying" he instructed.

Max struggled to her feet and stumbled upstairs as fast as she could. She fell onto her bed and just lay there thinking.

Promise me you'll tell me if anything bad happens...I promise...

You don't hang around with fags...

They killed themselves...

Max closed her eyes tight and let the last of her tears fall, saving the rest for the one person she knew she'd have to let go, to push away, to protect them.


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