The dream

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Despite being able to make light of their encounter with Dr Brenner, El couldn't stop thinking about it. She'd spent years struggling to build a life, struggling to be accepted, struggling to make herself believe that she had a future, and just as she was beginning to believe that to be true, everything had turned full circle. Papa was now back in her life, wanting to take her away back to their 'research', the upside-down was looming large, a monster trying to break through, and her friends in danger.

"El, talk to me" Max said.

They were on El's bed, Max sitting, El resting her head on Max's lap and staring out the window. After their encounter with Brenner they had abandoned their movie trip and immediately headed home, being sure to tell Hopper et al. exactly what had happened.

"El?" Max repeated, trying to reach her.


"Come on, I recognize that look, talk to me...god I'm always saying that, sorry" she said.

El sighed and rolled onto her back so she was looking up at Max, "no, I'm sorry....I need to learn to open up to you more, without you having to ask. I just can't stop thinking about what Hopper said, about...him saying that I'll go back with him."

"But you know we won't let that happen, ok?" countered Max.

El closed her eyes tight, "but what if he's right, what if the only way to save you is for me to go? Will I just end up in a different lab in a different town...without you forever...because if that's what's going to happen, I'm...I'm not strong enough anymore, I can't live like that knowing what I could have had." She opened her eyes and looked into Max's with such desperation.

"It won't happen, I won't let it, you will not end up with him, ok? If I have to handcuff myself to you forever I will, if I have to fight a monster barefisted I will, if I have to kick that asshole's head in then I fucking will! And everyone else will say the same. Please don't let him destroy what we've made" she pleaded, prompting El to put her arm around the back of Max's neck and pull her gently down for a kiss.

Resting her head back down, Max started playing with her hair which she found incredibly relaxing. As her eyes started to get heavy, Max pulled a blanket over her, and moved out from under her. "Sleep, El, you need it" she told her softly. El could do nothing but nod sleepily. "I'll be downstairs, if you need anything just call for me, ok?"

"HmMmmsfmmm..." El mumbled incomprehensibly, making Max chuckle. She kissed El gently on her forehead and went downstairs, leaving the door open in order to hear her if needed.


"Are you alright?" Nancy asked as Max plonked herself down on the couch.

She sighed, "I'm just...I don't know" she said, shaking her head. Nancy moved next to her and pulled her into a side hug until Max's head was resting on her shoulder, "I just worry about her, I don't want to lose her and it feels like there's nothing I can do...I just feel so powerless to help her."

Nancy nodded in understanding, "I know Max, I feel the same way."

"Why does she always have to do it alone, why can't I help her, it's not fair, she doesn't deserve it" max said, tears of frustration and anger starting to fall.

"I know, I know" Nancy said softly, hugging her tighter, "right now all we can do is be there for her, she's strong, but she needs to know we've got her back."

After a few minutes of silence, "where's everyone else?" Max asked.

"Mom, Hopper, and Joyce are in the kitchen, and the boys down in the basement" Nancy said.

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