Push part 2

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A/N make sure you've read part 1...just saying.

They spent the whole day by the lake, enjoying the cool water and breeze that surrounded it. It was still warm when they decided to head back to camp, so they all just walked back in their swimwear, the girls covering up slightly in their shorts. El wanted to help Mike, so made sure that he and Will ended up walking next to each other on the trail back. Lucas and Dustin forged ahead, driven by their stomach's need for food, "we'll start dinner!" Dustin shouted as they disappeared over a hill, racing each other to see who'd be first back.

They all laughed a little but soon went back to walking in silence. El made sure to look firmly ahead the whole time, afraid to catch Max's eye. She had no idea what exactly she was afraid of, but it reminded her of when she first escaped the lab, when everything was new to her and Mike had to explain it all, a constant pit of fear at the base of her stomach. Deep down, she knew this was something she would have to work out herself, and the fear was entirely centered around getting it wrong...and losing Max.

"El?" she heard Max say softly, unable to do anything now but look at her in anticipation, "what's wrong? You've been so quiet today, I'm worried about you" Max continued, the concern evident in her eyes.

El shook her head in answer, unwilling to speak, and carried on following Mike and Will ahead of them. Max stopped walking and grabbed El's hand, making her do the same. "What..."

"Tell me what's wrong El, don't bullshit me, you're obviously upset about something, I'm your best friend, what is it?" When she still didn't get a response, she started to get angry, "why won't you tell me!? what's wrong with you, what's wrong with you!?" she shouted, all her frustration coming to a head. Those words were like knives through El's heart, bringing back half-forgotten painful memories from the past. Max watched as El's expression dropped, giving her the most heart-breaking, accusing look she'd ever been on the receiving end of, she watched as El ran out of sight towards camp. "El! El...I'm sorry..." she trailed off, "oh god, what have I done?" she asked herself, falling to her knees, her head in her hands.

She felt rough hands dragging her upright, "what did you say to her?" Mike demanded, "tell-me-what-you-said" he said slowly but forcefully.

"I...I asked what was wrong, and when she didn't answer, I said 'what's wrong with you'...maybe a couple of times..." she confessed, tears streaming down her cheeks knowing how much she had apparently hurt El.

Mike closed his eyes tight, the same memory that came to El's mind springing to his, "oh shit" he muttered.

"What 'oh shit'?" demanded Max. Mike explained what had happened years ago, why those words would be so upsetting for her, like Max was implying there was actually something wrong with her, like she thinks El is actually the freak she fears she is, deep down, a fear that El always carries with her, that she can never let go of. Max felt physically sick. "I need to go talk to her" she stated, starting back to camp.

Mike watched as she sprinted away, "they've been acting weird since we got here, don't you think?" asked Will, approaching Mike, who just nodded in agreement, still gazing after Max. "Guess we'd better get back too, then" he added, smiling at Mike.

"Yeah, let's go" Mike replied, "after you" he said, bowing and letting Will go first.

Will just laughed, "since when were you such a gentleman?" he challenged Mike, smirking.

Before editing the reply in his mind, he couldn't help but say "since I had someone to be a gentleman for." Oh fuck, fuck, fuck, what the fuck did I say that for!?!?!?! He watched as the smirk fell away from Will's face, leaving behind confusion. Standing up again he found himself face to face with him, brown eyes searching for the meaning behind his words. Mike opened his mouth to say something, anything, but before he could Will leaned in and connected their lips. It was only for a few seconds, but it knocked all the air from Mike's lungs, it rendered him completely paralyzed, unable to think, or speak, or move, suddenly all that existed was Will and that kiss.

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