Billy the kid

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Max was in her room reading when she heard a knock at the front door. "Max!" she heard from her mom's room, "get that will you, we're just getting dressed."

She rolled her eyes and made her way downstairs, hearing the knocking again and again, getting louder each time. "Alright, alright, what's the damn" she finished with a grimace, finding two state troopers on her doorstep. "Uh, yeah, sorry about that" she said awkwardly.

Ignoring her apology, the taller of the two spoke up, "I'm Officer Tanner, this is Officer Freeman, can we speak with the responsible adult of the house please?"

Without really looking away, Max shouted "mom!!"

"What? Who is it?" she heard from upstairs.

Rolling her eyes, she gave them a 'wait here' hand gesture and walked to the foot of the stairs, "it's two cops asking to speak to you!!" she yelled, ensuring the officers heard her. She heard a loud bang, like someone falling over, and then the door opening. Her mom and step-dad appeared at the top of the stairs and made their way down hurriedly, worry etched over their faces.

They all three stood at the door, Max's mom's arm protectively over her shoulder. "How can we help you?" her step-dad said.

"We're looking for your son, Billy, we have a warrant for his arrest" stated Officer Freeman, holding up the official document. Max looked at her mom and step-dad, both had a look of shock on their faces.

"On...on what charge?" her mom asked.

"He is wanted for assault and attempted rape" he answered, leaving them all stunned.

Max thought back to last night, he was getting ready for yet another 'hot date' with some bimbo from school, but he hadn't come home last night, which was unusual as he never stayed with a girl once he got what he wanted. She thought back to all the times he'd asked about El, implied what he'd like to do to her, ogled her whenever she came over, and she felt sick. Breaking away she made her way upstairs, leaving her parents to talk to the officers. When she heard the door finally shut, she went back down to find her mom and step-dad sitting on the couch, looking serious.

"Max" her mom said, "please keep this to yourself until we sort it out, ok?"

Max nodded, but had no intention of keeping to it. "I'm going to El's house, I'll be back for dinner" she said quietly, aware of the tense atmosphere in the room.

Her mom nodded back, "if...if you see Billy, just tell him to come home."

Max nodded 'yes', praying that she wouldn't see him. As she made her way to the door she heard a vehicle pull up outside, peeking through the window she sighed "mom, Billy's just pulled up" shit, I wanted to be gone when the shit hits the fan...making a quick decision, she opened the door, "bye mom!" she shouted, sprinting off before her mom could reply. Glancing at Billy while running past, she could see he looked the same as always, no indication that anything had happened last night, he met her gaze momentarily before she broke it and ran faster.


She told El everything that had happened, asking her to keep it to herself to which she agreed. "Do you want to stay? In case he's still there tonight" asked El, concerned for her safety.

Thinking for a minute, then smirking slightly, she looked at her and flirtatiously said "I was kinda hoping to stay regardless."

El blushed as Max pulled her onto her lap and kissed her gently, "I think that can be arranged" she replied, kissing her back harder, causing her to fall back on the bed. Hovering over Max, El gave her a smile and leaned closer. Expecting a kiss on the lips Max was surprised when El gently kissed her cheek instead, followed by her jaw, then her neck. She leaned her head back, enjoying the new feeling immensely.

Knock knock

They both scrambled up to a sitting position trying to look as natural as possible when all they could feel were their hearts racing. "C-come in" El said loudly.

Karen opened the door and said "sorry to interrupt, Max your mom is outside, she needs you to go home, some sort of family thing I think."

Max's face fell, "oh, ok" she said, "I, uh, guess I'll see you tomorrow El."

"I'll see you down" El replied, grabbing her hand and giving it a squeeze. Max nodded, a look of trepidation on her face. Karen lead the way downstairs, El and Max following slowly behind, "call me any time, if you need me I'll be there" El promised her. Max nodded gratefully before giving her a simple hug goodbye.


"Mom, what happened?" Max finally asked as they approached home.

Pulling up in the driveway, her mom stopped the car and looked at her, "Billy has been arrested, he'll be held in juvenile detention until an initial trial date can be set. His dad has gone with him and might be gone for a few days" she informed Max. "I think, for now, we just carry on as normal until something changes, ok?" she said, Max thinking it sounded like her mom was telling herself more than anything, "but until then, I'd rather that you be at home with me." Max couldn't stifle her frustrated sigh, earning a look of reprimand from her mom.


"I'm sorry El, I'm sure my mom will get sick of me hanging around the place soon and insist I go out somewhere" Max said hopefully. They were at school, sitting out of sight under the bleachers and lamenting how little they'd seen each other during the past week.

"It's not your fault, I just miss you" said El softly, "I miss...I miss holding you in my arms."

Max smiled, "oh yeah? What else do you miss?" she asked with a single raised eyebrow.

"Why don't you come here and I'll show you?" challenged El, pulling Max onto her lap.

Just as Max was about to give a smart-ass reply, they heard an "El!?" and sighed in frustration. Emerging from the bleachers they found Mike and Will looking for her.

"Hey guys, everything ok?"

"Yeah, uh, El? Could you tell mom I'm going over to Will's after school?" Mike asked, looking nervous for some reason. El shrugged and nodded 'yes'. "Cool, thanks" he said, "anyways, bell's about to go, see ya."


He drove his blue truck towards the house, pissed off at having to drive himself home, "fucking idiots" he muttered to himself while swigging at the can in his hand. Realizing how fast he was driving, and that he was a bit drunk too, he slowed down so as to not draw any unwanted attention to himself, the last thing he wanted was the local cops on his back. As he drove past the edge of Mirkwood he saw two boys he recognized, walking with their arms around each other's backs. He narrowed his eyes and watched as they stopped and kissed each other, a sight he found sickening.


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