While you were sleeping part 2

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A/N 3rd update of the day. Enjoy... xx

"Good luck, El, see you tomorrow" said Mike, giving her a tight hug. She didn't say a word, instead holding the hug for longer than Mike expected, telling him everything he needed to know about how she was feeling. "You'll be ok" he whispered, "just let Max kick their asses if you need." He felt her laugh slightly, and pushed her away gently to see a small smile on her face.

"Bye Mike."

As she walked towards the car Max took her hand. Will watched as they smiled at each other and looked away again awkwardly, he frowned and turned to Mike, "what do you think will happen?" he asked.

Mike shook his head slightly, "I don't know, we'll have to wait for the results I guess" he responded, "but...I just pray that she isn't responsible, I mean, what can they possibly do if she is?"

They all exchanged uncomfortable looks, then turned and watched as Hopper drove Karen, El, and Max to the hospital.


"Good evening Ms Wheeler, I'm Dr Grant and this is nurse Chambers" said the tall man in a white coat, "I'll be interpreting the results of your study and nurse Chambers here will be taking care of your needs overnight." El nodded nervously, his white coat immediately putting her on edge. "I'll be back in an hour or so to set up the equipment, in the meantime, please make yourself at home" he said with a genuine smile.

"Thank you, doctor" Karen replied, as he left the room with the nurse.

El looked around the room, it didn't look like the hospital rooms she'd stayed in previously, it had a real bed for one, nice pictures on the wall, it even had a tv and VHS player.

"He has a kind face" Max stated, making everyone look at her, "the doctor I mean." El nodded, Max was right and it helped put her at ease.

Karen knew that El needed to be kept occupied, so asked about the trip they that the gang had spent weeks planning. "How is the camping prep going then, all set for the weekend?"

El's face lit up, Karen knew she was looking forward to her first ever camping trip. "It's looking really good, Lucas and Dustin found a place near a lake so we can go swimming, Lucas and Max have the tents, and we can go shopping tomorrow for food if that's ok?"

Karen smiled and nodded, happy to see the spark back in her eyes, "yes, of course! How about Nancy takes you? She's home tomorrow for a week or so" she stated.

El frowned slightly, "but doesn't she have classes until the winter break?" she asked.

"Apparently she has another assignment to write, lucky her hey" Karen replied. "You're lucky too, the weather report said it was going to be uncharacteristically hot for the time of year."


At approximately 10pm, Dr Grant returned with the nurse to set up the study. El had changed into her PJs and was sitting on one side of the bed. "It's family only I'm afraid from here on in, rules I'm afraid" he said looking at Hopper and Max, "there's a room across the hall you can use, it has a couple of fold-out beds, etc., it's actually quite comfortable, I've used it myself a couple of times when the hospital needed me" he added, chuckling.

Max gave El a hug, "you'll be fine, ok? I'm just across the hall." El nodded into Max's shoulder, but didn't want to let go, she was feeling very vulnerable. "Sleep well" Max added, breaking away and leaving the room.

Hopper and Max surveyed the other room, Dr Grant was right, it was pretty comfortable, with a tv in the corner, and a small fridge full of supplies. "Not bad, hey kid?"

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