Fess up

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"Come on guys, let's go for a walk" said Max, wanting to get El out of that room and let the 'adults' decide what to do next.

"Where are we going?" asked Will, stretching his legs. He and Mike hadn't left the house that day as both their moms were still there, and they were trying to avoid the inevitable conversation they were going to have to have if they tried to leave.

"I don't know, just not here" Max replied wearily.

"Sorry" El said quietly, picking up on Max's tone.

"I've told you, you have nothing to be sorry for" Max assured her, putting her arm around her shoulders and guiding her away from the house.

"Come on" said Dustin, "let's go to the bus" he suggested.

They all nodded in agreement, unable or not bothered to think of an alternative. Max walked next to El, her arm sliding off El's shoulder and taking her hand instead. They looked at each other and smiled a content smile, happy just to be in the moment, then both looked away again, blushing slightly. Lucas, who was walking behind them, narrowed his eyes, clearly think about something, then appeared to shake off whatever notion had entered his head.

The day was warm, so when they reached the clearing, junk cars and machines scattered around, they decided not to go into the bus as it's large windows ensured it heated up like a greenhouse during the day. They'd go in later if they decided to stay late enough for the temperature outside to drop.

Max plonked herself down on a comfortable mossy patch of grass, leaning against an old upturned enamel bath washed cleaned by many years of rain. Without thinking, El sat between her legs, her back leaning against Max's chest, and Max wrapped her arms around her and pulled her close.

Mike coughed discreetly.

"Ok, I've got to say this" said Lucas, hands on hips, looking very serious, "you can tell me to fuck off, but you two" he said, pointing between El and Max and getting their attention, "come on, what's going on?"

El felt her face go red, Max the same. "I...uh, we..." started Max, usually so confident, but terrified of what her close friends would say as she didn't want to lose them. Turns out she didn't have to worry about telling them.

"Max is my girlfriend and I love her" El stated clearly with no hesitation. Max's mouth opened slightly in shock for just a moment, before she closed it again and looked at Lucas to see what his reaction would be. She could see that Dustin looked completely shocked as he was completely oblivious to what Lucas has been noticing over the past weeks and months.

"Well, ok then" he said plainly, "I just wanted to check I wasn't imagining things." And with that he went and found a spot nearby to sit in. He looked around to find El and Max staring at him, along with Mike, Will, and Dustin, "what?"

"Nothing...I guess" said Max, "I just thought you'd be more...shocked?"

"Why?" he asked in a challenging tone.

"Well...you know? It's not exactly your usual relationship..." Max elaborated.

"You really think that little of me that I'd judge you based on that? I don't care if you're two girls, I just care that you're my friends and I don't want my friends getting hurt, in which case I think you two are perfect for each other" he stated calmly.

El had a few tears in her eyes and made her way over to Lucas to give him a tight hug, "thank you, Lucas, you're the best."

He patted her on the back a few times, "ok, ok, let's not make this weird" he said, making everyone chuckle.

As El turned away from Lucas to go back to Max, she glanced at Will and Mike who seemed to be having a silent conversation with the tiniest body language. She watched as they apparently came to a decision, and catching Mike's eye she gave him a reassuring smile.

"Um, g-guys?" stuttered Mike, standing up slowly and wiping his hands on his sweater for no reason other than to keep them occupied. Lucas and Dustin turned their attention to him, while Will walked over and stood next to him, trying to look confident. Max watched El as she walked over and sat back in her lap, then they both turned to the boys, knowing what was coming.

There was silence for a few moments while Mike tried to say what he wanted, but he couldn't get the words out, it was as if someone was squeezing his windpipe blocking any noise from escaping his mouth. Will said nothing either, but instead reached over a tentatively took Mike's hand in his own. They looked at each other, smiled and nodded slightly, then turned back to Dustin and Lucas who just stood with their eyebrows raised and mouths open.

"W...well...uh...yeah, ok..." Lucas managed.

"Wow! I definitely did not see that coming" Dustin said.

"Now this is gonna take some getting used to, I won't lie guys" stated Lucas.

"What? You just accepted them" said Will incredulously.

"Yeah, but...but like, I've known you both my whole life, you're like my brothers...it's just gonna take a while, alright!?" Lucas said defensively.

"It's fine, honestly" Mike reassured him, "we know this is a big change, it's kinda weird for us too, but we can't help how we feel."

"So, like, when did all this happen?" Dustin asked them.

"The camping trip" they all answered, after which El and Max together turned to Will and Mike, who mirrored their action. "The camping trip?" they all asked each other. The gang, including Dustin and Lucas, all looked at each other and started laughing.

"That was some trip" Dustin managed to say.


They slowly made their way back to Mike and El's house. "I'll come 'round first thing, ok?" Max said, seeing the sadness in El's eyes. El nodded and looked down, prompting Max to hold her tightly. She had been reluctant to kiss her or show her any form of affection in front of their friends as she felt awkward doing so, but seeing El like this made her overcome such insecurities. She gently lifted El's chin until they were looking into each other's eyes and kissed her, and making her smile, "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Ew, gross" said Dustin, making everyone laugh.

"Bye guys" El said quietly, "and...and thank you, for supporting me through all this" she added, with a guilty expression on her face.

"That's what family is for, and we're family" stated Lucas.

"Yeah, he's right, we've got your back El" said Dustin reassuringly, "and if anyone threatens us, then you've got ours...and you can make them piss themselves..."

El closed her eyes and shook her head, smiling broadly and trying not to laugh. "Bye Dustin" she said, turning and going inside.

"Bye guys" echoed Mike.


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